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Direct access: 挨拶 , 愛車 , 相性 , 愛称 , 愛情 , 愛人 , 合図 , 愛想 , 愛憎 , 愛知


pronunciation: aisatsu
kanji characters:
keyword: greeting
translation: greeting, salutation, compliments
挨拶をする: aisatsuosuru: greet, salute, nod, make a bow
挨拶を交わす: aisatsuokawasu: exchange greetings <<<
挨拶を返す: aisatsuokaesu: return greetings <<<
挨拶状: aisatsujou: greeting card, notice <<<
時候の挨拶: jikounoaisatsu: compliments of the season <<< 時候


pronunciation: aisha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: one's own car


pronunciation: aishou
kanji characters: ,
translation: congeniality, affinity
相性が良い: aishougaii: congenial <<<


pronunciation: aishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: name
translation: nickname, pet name, diminutive
synonyms: 渾名 , ニックネーム


pronunciation: aijou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: love, affection, attachment
愛情の有る: aijounoaru: loving, affectionate, warmhearted, tender <<<
愛情の篭った: aijounokomotta
愛情の無い: aijounonai: cold-hearted, loveless, unfeeling <<<
愛情が無くなる: aijouganakunaru: lose affection
愛情を失う: aijououshinau <<<
愛情を抱く: aijouoidaku: have an affection <<<
愛情を捧げる: aijouosasageru: give all one's love <<<
愛情を込めて: aijouokomete: affectionately, lovingly <<<


pronunciation: aijin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: mistress, girlfriend, one's love, sweetheart
related words: 恋人


pronunciation: aizu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , war
translation: signal (n.), sign (n.), wink (n.)
合図する: aizusuru: signal (v.), give a signal, sign (v.), motion (v.), wink (v.)


pronunciation: aisou, aiso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: kindness, courtesy
愛想の良い: aisounoii: amiable, sociable, affable, agreeable, fair-spoken <<<
愛想を良くする: aisouoyokusuru: be affable (to), make oneself agreeable (to)
愛想良く: aisouyoku: amiably, hospitably, cordially, sleekly
愛想の悪い: aisounowarui: cold, unsociable, inhospitable, blunt <<<
愛想の無い: aisounonai <<<
愛想を尽かす: aisouotsukasu: be disgusted (with, at by) <<<
愛想が尽きる: aisougatsukiru
愛想を尽かされる: aisouotsukasareru: be given up (by)
愛想笑い: aisouwarai: ingratiating smile <<<
related words: 御世辞 , 愛嬌


pronunciation: aizou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: love and hatred
愛憎の念が強い: aizounonengatsuyoi: be too passionate
愛憎の念が深い: aizounonengahukai


pronunciation: aichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Aichi (prefecture)
愛知県: aichiken: Prefecture of Aichi <<<
愛知万博: aichibanpaku: Aichi Expo 2005
related words:

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