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Direct access: 瓶詰 , 貧乏 , 部員 , 部下 , 部会 , 武器 , 奉行 , 武士 , 不躾 , 部首


pronunciation: binZume
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: bottled goods, bottling
瓶詰の: binZumeno: bottled
瓶詰にする: binZumenisuru: bottle (v.)
related words: 缶詰


pronunciation: binbou
kanji characters: ,
translation: poverty
貧乏な: binbouna: poor, needy
貧乏する: binbousuru: become poor, be in poverty
貧乏に成る: binbouninaru <<<
貧乏揺り: binbouyusuri: shaking oneself <<<
貧乏人: binbounin: poor person <<<
貧乏所帯: binboushotai: needy family <<< 所帯
器用貧乏: kiyoubinbou: a Jack of all trades and a master of none <<< 器用
synonyms: 貧困
antonyms: 金持


pronunciation: buin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , job
translation: member (of a club), staff
related words: 会員


pronunciation: buka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: subordinate, junior partner
related words: 手下


pronunciation: bukai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: sectional meeting


pronunciation: buki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: arms, weapon, weaponry
武器を取る: bukiotoru: take up arms, rise in arms against <<<
武器を捨てる: bukiosuteru: lay down one's arms <<<
武器商: bukishou: gunsmith, armourer <<<
武器庫: bukiko: arsenal, armory, armoury <<<
武器工場: bukikoujou <<< 工場
武器援助: bukienjo: arms aid <<< 援助
武器弾薬: bukidannyaku: munitions <<< 弾薬
武器密輸: bukimitsuyu: arms smuggling, weapons smuggling <<< 密輸
武器よ去らば: bukiyosaraba: A Farewell to Arms (Ernest Hemingway's novel, 1929) <<<
強力な武器: kyouryokunabuki: destructive weapon <<< 強力
synonyms: 兵器


pronunciation: bugyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: magistrate [administrator,minister] in medieval Japan
町奉行: machibugyou: magistrate of police and justice system in a feudal Japanese city <<<
長崎奉行: nagasakibugyou: Governor of Nagasaki (during Edo period) <<< 長崎


pronunciation: bushi, mononohu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: samurai, warrior, knight
武士道: bushidou: bushido, chivalry, chivalrousness <<< , 武道
武士気質: bushikatagi <<< 気質
武士気質の: bushikatagino: samurai spirited, knightly
武士階級: bushikaikyuu: samurai classes <<< 階級
related words: 騎士 ,


pronunciation: bushitsuke
kanji characters: ,
translation: bad manner, rudeness
不躾な: bushitsukena: ill-mannered, rude, impolite
不躾ですが: bushitsukedesuga: 'Excuse me, but'


pronunciation: bushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: radical [component] of a kanji [Chinese] character

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