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Direct access: 賃貸 , 鎮痛 , 沈殿 , 沈没 , 沈黙 , 賃料 , 陳列


pronunciation: chintai, chingashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: hire, lease, renting
賃貸で: chintaide: on lease
賃貸する: chintaisuru: hire out, let out (a thing) on hire, lease [rent] out, put out (land) to lease
賃貸借: chintaishaku: lease, let and hiring <<<
賃貸借契約: chintaishakukeiyaku: lease [hiring] contract [agreement] <<< 契約
賃貸契約: chintaikeiyaku
賃貸人: chintainin: lessor <<<
賃貸料: chintairyou: rent, rental fee <<<
賃貸価格: chintaikakaku: land value <<< 価格
賃貸住宅: chintaijuutaku: house to rent, rented house <<< 住宅
賃貸マンション: chintaimanshon: rental apartment <<< マンション
related words: リース


pronunciation: chintsuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug
translation: painkilling, pain relief [ease]
鎮痛剤: chintsuuzai: anodyne, painkiller, painreliever <<<


pronunciation: chinden
kanji characters: , 殿
keyword: chemistry
translation: precipitation, sedimentation
沈殿する: chindensuru: settle (vi.), deposit
沈殿させる: chindensaseru: settle (vt.), deposit
沈殿地: chindenchi: precipitation pond <<<
沈殿槽: chindensou: defecation tank <<<
沈殿物: chindenbutsu: sediment, deposit, settlings, lees <<<
related words: 堆積


pronunciation: chinbotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: sinking, foundering
沈没する: chinbotsusuru: sink, go down, be submerged
沈没船: chinbotsusen: sunken vessel <<<


pronunciation: chinmoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: silence, reticence, taciturnity
沈黙する: chinmokusuru: be [keep] silence [taciturn], be reserved in speech, hold one's tongue
沈黙させる: chinmokusaseru: silence (v.), put [reduce] to silence, talk down
沈黙を守る: chinmokuomamoru: keep [preserve, observe] silence, remain [keep] silent, be mute <<<
沈黙を破る: chinmokuoyaburu: break the silence <<<
沈黙は金: chinmokuwakin: Silence is gold <<<


pronunciation: chinryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: rent, rental fee
related words: 賃貸


pronunciation: chinretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shop
translation: exhibition, display, show
陳列する: chinretsusuru: show, arrange, exhibit, display, make an exhibition of
陳列室: chinretsushitsu: showroom <<<
陳列棚: chinretsudana: showcase <<<
陳列窓: chinretsumado: show window <<<
陳列品: chinretsuhin: exhibited article, thing on display <<<
店頭陳列: tentouchinretsu: window display <<< 店頭

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