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Direct access: 江戸 , 絵具 , 愛媛 , 海老 , 絵札 , 絵本 , 絵馬 , 獲物 , 襟首 , 襟巻


pronunciation: edo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Edo (old name of Tokyo)
江戸城: edojou: Edo Castle <<< , 皇居
江戸川: edogawa: Edo River <<<
江戸川区: edogawaku: Borough of Edogawa (in Tokyo) <<<
江戸時代: edojidai: Edo Era [Period] (1603-1868) <<< 時代
江戸幕府: edobakuhu: Edo shogunate
related words: 東京 ,


pronunciation: enogu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 絵の具
keyword: art
translation: paints, colors, pigments, oils
絵具を塗る: enoguonuru: color (v.), paint <<<
絵具皿: enoguzara: palette <<<
絵具板: enoguita <<<
絵具箱: enogubako: color [paint] box <<<
絵具筆: enoguhude: paint-brush <<<
絵具刷毛: enogubake <<< 刷毛


pronunciation: ehime
kanji characters:
keyword: japan
translation: Ehime (prefecture)
愛媛県: ehimeken: Prefecture of Ehime <<<
related words:


pronunciation: ebi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: エビ
keyword: fish
translation: shrimp, lobster, prawn
海老蟹: ebigani: crayfish <<<
海老フライ: ebihurai: fried lobster <<< フライ
車海老: kurumaebi: prawn <<<
小海老: koebi: shrimp <<<
伊勢海老: iseebi: (spiny) lobster <<< 伊勢


pronunciation: ehuda
kanji characters: ,
keyword: game
translation: face card
related words: トランプ


pronunciation: ehon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: picture book, illustrated book


pronunciation: ema
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: votive picture [tablet] of a horse
絵馬を掛ける: emaokakeru: hang votive pictures <<<


pronunciation: emono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: game, bag, catch, take, prize, booty, spoils, capture
獲物の多い: emononoooi: abounding in game, well-stocked with game <<<
獲物を追う: emonooou: chase game <<<
獲物入れ: emonoire: gamebag <<<
related words: 狩猟


pronunciation: erikubi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: nape, scruff of the neck
襟首を掴む: erikubiotsukamu: take [seize, catch] (a person) by the collar [the nape] <<<


pronunciation: erimaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accessory
translation: muffler, scarf, boa
襟巻をする: erimakiosuru: wear a muffler [scarf]
襟巻を巻く: erimakiomaku: wrap a muffler [scarf] around the neck <<<
襟巻蜥蜴: erimakitokage: frilled-necked lizard <<< 蜥蜴
synonyms: マフラー , スカーフ

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