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Direct access: 演習 , 演出 , 炎症 , 園児 , 円熟 , 援助 , 炎上 , 厭世 , 遠征 , 沿線


pronunciation: enshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , education
translation: exercise, practice, drill, seminar, sham fight [battle], maneuvers
演習場: enshuujou: exercise area <<<
野外演習: yagaienshuu: field exercise <<< 野外
射撃演習: shagekienshuu: shooting practice, field firing <<< 射撃
防火演習: boukaenshuu: fire drill <<< 防火
防空演習: boukuuenshuu: air defense drill <<< 防空
synonyms: 練習


pronunciation: enshutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: production, representation
演出する: enshutsusuru: produce [represent] (a play)
演出家: enshutsuka: producer, director <<<
演出者: enshutsusha <<<
演出法: enshutsuhou: manner of performance, execution, dramatics <<<
演出効果: enshutsukouka: stage effect <<< 効果


pronunciation: enshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: inflammation, irritation, swelling
炎症性: enshousei: inflammatory <<<
炎症を起こす: enshouookosu: inflame, irritate <<<
炎症反応: enshouhannnou: inflammatory reaction <<< 反応
related words: カタル


pronunciation: enji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: kindergartner


pronunciation: enjuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: maturity, perfection
円熟する: enjukusuru: mature (v.), mellow
円熟した: enjukushita: ripe, mature (a.), mellow (character)
円熟した作家: enjukushitasakka: mature writer <<< 作家


pronunciation: enjo
kanji characters: ,
translation: help (n.), aid (n.), assist (n.), support (n.), assistance
援助する: enjosuru: help (v.), aid (v.), assist (v.), support (v.)
援助を与える: enjooataeru <<<
援助を求める: enjoomotomeru: ask for help <<<
援助交際: enjokousai: schoolgirls' concealed prostitution <<< 交際
援助物資: enjobusshi: succor (resources) <<< 物資
技術援助: gijutsuenjo: technical aid [assistance] <<< 技術
財政援助: zaiseienjo: financial aid <<< 財政
軍事援助: gunjienjo: military aid [assistance] <<< 軍事
開発援助: kaihatsuenjo: development aid [assistance] <<< 開発
経済援助: keizaienjo: economic assistance <<< 経済
災害援助: saigaienjo: disaster aid <<< 災害
武器援助: bukienjo: arms aid <<< 武器
related words: 手伝 , 支援 , ヘルプ


pronunciation: enjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: burning, ignition, destruction by fire
炎上する: enjousuru: go up in flames, be destroyed by fire


pronunciation: ensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: weariness of life [the world], pessimism
厭世的: enseiteki: pessimistic <<<
厭世家: einseika: pessimist <<<
厭世観: enseikan: pessimistic view of life, pessimism <<<
厭世主義: enseishugi <<< 主義


pronunciation: ensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: expedition, visit (n.)
遠征する: enseisuru: go on an expedition (to), visit (v.)
遠征軍: enseigun: expeditionary force, expedition <<<
遠征隊: enseitai <<<
遠征団: enseidan: visiting team <<<
遠征チーム: enseichiimu <<< チーム


pronunciation: ensen
kanji characters: 沿 ,
keyword: town
translation: along a railroad [railway] line

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