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Direct access: 外貨 , 外観 , 外気 , 概況 , 外見 , 外交 , 外国 , 骸骨 , 概算 , 外資


pronunciation: gaika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , economy
translation: foreign currency, exchange
外貨建て: gaikadate: transaction [payment] with [in] foreign currency, foreign exchange transaction <<<
外貨を獲得する: gaikaokakutokusuru: obtain foreign currency <<< 獲得
外貨獲得: gaikakakutoku: acquisition of foreign currency
外貨予算: gaikayosan: foreign exchange budget <<< 予算
外貨手形: gaikategata: foreign currency bill <<< 手形
外貨換算: gaikakansan: foreign currency translation
外貨貯金: gaikachokin: foreign currency deposit <<< 貯金
外貨準備高: gaikajunbidaka: foreign exchange reserves
外貨保有高: gaikahoyuudaka: foreign currency holdings
related words: 為替


pronunciation: gaikan
kanji characters: ,
translation: external [outward] appearance, outside view, look
外観を飾る: gaikannokazaru: show off, put on a show <<<
外観を信じる: gaikannoshinjiru: trust appearances <<<
外観が良い: gaikangaii: be fine-looking [good-looking, nice-looking] <<<
外観を損なう: gaikannosokonau: deface <<<
外観を変える: gaikannokaeru: transfigure <<<
外観上: gaikanjou: in appearance, apparently <<<
related words: 様子 , 体裁 , 外見


pronunciation: gaiki
kanji characters: ,
translation: fresh air
外気に当たる: gaikiniataru: get out of the (open) air <<<
外気に当てる: gaikiniateru: air (a thing), expose (a thing) to the (open) air


pronunciation: gaikyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: general condition, outlook
天気概況: tenkigaikyou: general weather condition <<< 天気


pronunciation: gaiken
kanji characters: ,
translation: external [outward] appearance, outside view, look
外見を飾る: gaikennokazaru: show off, put on a show <<<
外見を繕う: gaikennotsukurou <<<
外見上: gaikenjou: in appearance, apparently <<<
related words: 外観


pronunciation: gaikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: diplomacy, foreign affairs, field work
外交の: gaikouno: diplomatic
外交上の: gaikoujouno <<<
外交を絶つ: gaikouotatsu: break off [sever] diplomatic relations (with) <<<
外交官: gaikoukan: diplomat <<<
外交家: gaikouka: diplomat, diplomatic person <<<
外交員: gaikouin: representative, agent, salesman <<<
外交団: gaikoudan: diplomatic corps [body, delegation] <<<
外交使節: gaikoushisetsu: diplomatic mission <<< 使節
外交特権: gaikoutokken: diplomatic privilege [immunity] <<< 特権
外交儀礼: gaikougirei: protocol <<< 儀礼
外交辞令: gaikoujirei: diplomatic language <<< 辞令
外交方針: gaikouhoushin: foreign policy <<< 方針
外交政策: gaikouseisaku <<< 政策
外交文書: gaikoubunsho: diplomatic document, memorandum <<< 文書
外交問題: gaikoumondai: diplomatic question [issue, problem] <<< 問題
民間外交: minkangaikou: personal diplomacy <<< 民間
自主外交: jishugaikou: independent foreign policy <<< 自主
軟弱外交: nanjakugaikou: weak-kneed diplomacy <<< 軟弱
ピンポン外交: pinpongaikou: ping-pong diplomacy <<< ピンポン
related words: 外務


pronunciation: gaikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , travel
translation: foreign country, overseas
外国の: gaikokuno: foreign
外国に行く: gaikokuniiku: go abroad <<<
外国から帰る: gaikokukarakaeru: return from abroad <<<
外国で暮らす: gaikokudekurasu: live abroad, live in a foreign country <<<
外国向け: gaikokumuke: going [bound for] abroad, for foreign countries <<<
外国人: gaikokujin: foreigner <<< , 外人
外国語: gaikokugo: foreign language <<<
外国船: gaikokusen: foreign ship, foreign bottoms <<<
外国品: gaikokuhin: foreign goods <<<
外国製: gaikokusei: foreign made, of foreign make <<<
外国産: gaikokusan: foreign-produced, of foreign growth <<<
外国為替: gaikokukawase: foreign exchange <<< 為替 , 外為
外国市場: gaikokushijou: foreign market <<< 市場
外国航路: gaikokukouro: foreign route <<< 航路
外国貿易: gaikokuboueki: foreign trade <<< 貿易
related words: 異国 , 海外


pronunciation: gaikotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: skeleton
骸骨の: gaikotsuno: skeletal
頭骸骨: zugaikotsu: skull, cranium <<<


pronunciation: gaisan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: rough estimate
概算で: gaisande: at a rough estimate, roughly, approximately
概算する: gaisansuru: estimate roughly, make a rough estimate (of)
概算払い: gaisanbarai: payment by rough estimate <<<
概算要求: gaisannyoukyuu: submission of budget estimates (for the next fiscal year) <<< 要求


pronunciation: gaishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , economy
translation: foreign capital
外資導入: gaishidounyuu: introduction of foreign capital <<< 導入
外資流入: gaishiryuunyuu: influx of foreign capital <<< 流入

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