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Direct access: 玄米 , 厳密 , 幻滅 , 原油 , 原理 , 原料 , 言論 , 幻惑 , 語彙 , 合意


pronunciation: genmai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: cereal
translation: brown [unpolished] rice
玄米食: genmaishoku: diet of brown [unpolished] rice <<<
玄米茶: genmaicha: brown rice tea <<<
玄米パン: genmaipan: brown rice bread <<< パン
antonyms: 白米


pronunciation: genmitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: strictness, rigidity
厳密な: genmitsuna: strict, rigid
厳密に: genmitsuni: strictly, rigidly


pronunciation: genmetsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: disillusion, disillusionment
幻滅する: genmetsusuru: be disillusioned
幻滅を感じる: genmetsuokanjiru <<<
幻滅を味わう: genmetsuoajiwau <<<


pronunciation: gennyu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry
translation: crude oil, petroleum


pronunciation: genri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion , science
translation: principle, theory
原理を窮める: genriokiwameru: inquire [go] into the principles <<<
原理運動: genriundou: Moonism <<< 運動
原理主義: genrishugi: fundamentalism <<< 主義
指導原理: shidougenri: guiding principle <<< 指導
根本原理: konpongenri: fundamental [primary] principle <<< 根本
基本原理: kihongenri: fundamental principle <<< 基本
アルキメデスの原理: arukimedesunogenri: Archimedean principle <<< アルキメデス
パスカルの原理: pasukarunogenri: Pascal's principle <<< パスカル


pronunciation: genryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: raw materials
related words: 材料


pronunciation: genron
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , media
translation: speech, opinion
言論界: genronkai: the press <<<
言論戦: genronsen: verbal clash (battle), speech campaign <<<
言論の自由: genronnnojiyuu: freedom of speech <<< 自由
言論弾圧: genrondannatsu: oppression of speech
言論機関: genronkikan: mass media <<< 機関


pronunciation: genwaku
kanji characters: ,
translation: dazzle (n.), bedazzlement, fascination
幻惑する: genwakusuru: dazzle (v.), blind
related words: 魅了


pronunciation: goi
kanji characters:
keyword: grammar
translation: vocabulary, glossary
語彙が豊富な: goigahouhuna: have a rich vocabulary <<< 豊富
語彙が貧弱な: goigahinjakuna: have a small vocabulary <<< 貧弱
語彙が乏しい: goigatoboshii <<<
語彙集: goishuu: glossary, lexicon, dictionary <<<
語彙論: goiron: lexicology <<<
基本語彙: kihongoi: basic vocabulary <<< 基本
related words: 単語 , 用語


pronunciation: goui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: agreement, settlement
合意する: gouisuru: agree, settle
合意で: gouide: by mutual consent, agreement
合意離婚: gouirikon: divorce by mutual agreement <<< 離婚
オスロ合意: osurogoui: Oslo Accords <<< オスロ

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