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Direct access: 日出 , 批判 , 被曝 , 火鉢 , 火花 , 雲雀 , 非番 , 狒々 , 批評 , 日々


pronunciation: hinode
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 日の出
keyword: weather , time
translation: sunrise, rising sun
日出に: hinodeni: at sunrise
日出前に: hinodemaeni: before sunrise <<<
日出の勢い: hinodenoikioi: in the ascendant, very prosperous <<<
初日出: hatsuhinode: sunrise on New Year's Day <<<
synonyms: 夜明 , 朝日
antonyms: 日入


pronunciation: hihan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: criticism, judgment
批判する: hihansuru: criticize, judge (v.), diss
批判的: hihanteki: critical <<<
批判者: hihansha: critic <<<
批判力: hihanryoku: judgment, critical faculty <<<
批判哲学: hihantetsugaku: criticism <<< 哲学
体制批判: taiseihihan: criticism of a system <<< 体制
自己批判: jikohihan: mea culpa, auto-criticism <<< 自己
related words: 批評


pronunciation: hibaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: radiation exposure [poisoning], irradiation
被曝する: hibakusuru: be exposed to the radiation, be irradiated


pronunciation: hibachi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: brazier


pronunciation: hibana
kanji characters: ,
translation: spark
火花が散る: hibanagachiru: sparkle, spark, emit [throw off] sparks <<<
火花放電: hibanahouden: spark discharge <<< 放電
related words: スパーク


pronunciation: hibari
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ヒバリ
keyword: bird
translation: skylark


pronunciation: hiban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: off-duty
非番の日: hibannnohi: off-day <<<


pronunciation: hihi
other spells: 狒狒
keyword: animal
translation: baboon, dog ape
狒々爺: hihijijii: lustful [dirty] old man <<<
related words:


pronunciation: hihyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: criticism, critique (n.), comment (n.)
批評する: hihyousuru: criticize, critique (v.), comment (v.)
批評家: hihyouka: critic, essayist <<<
批評的: hihyouteki: critical <<<
批評論: hihyouron: critical essay, essay in criticism, critique <<<
批評眼: hihyougan: critical eye (sense) <<<
辛口批評: karakuchihihyou: bitter [unsparing] criticism <<< 辛口
音楽批評: ongakuhihyou: music criticism <<< 音楽
related words: 評論 , 批判


pronunciation: hibi
kanji characters:
keyword: calendar
translation: daily, every day, day by day, from day to day
日々の: hibino: daily, everyday
日々の勤め: hibinotsutome: daily duties <<<
日々の暮し: hibinokurashi: daily life <<<
related words: 毎日

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