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Direct access: 二股 , 二人 , 負担 , 普段 , 付着 , 不調 , 復活 , 復帰 , 復旧 , 復権


pronunciation: hutamata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: fork, bifurcation
二股の: hutamatano: forked, bifurcated
二股に分かれる: hutamataniwakareru: fork off into two branches, bifurcate (v.) <<<
二股を掛ける: hutamataokakeru: sit on the fence, play double, have two strings on one's bow <<<
二股道: hutamatamichi: cross-road <<<
二股膏薬: hutamatagouyaku: double-dealing, double-dealer, trimmer, fence-sitter
二股ソケット: hutamatasoketto: two way adapter [socket] <<< ソケット
synonyms: 分岐


pronunciation: hutari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: two persons, couple, pair
二人で: hutaride: as a pair, à deux
二人で分ける: hutaridewakeru: divide (things) between two persons <<<
二人の間で: hutarinoaidade: between the two <<<
二人共: hutaritomo: both of them, either [neither] of the two <<<
二人連れ: hutariZure: party of two, married couple <<<
二人連れで: hutariZurede: (go) together [in a couple]
二人乗り: hutarinori: two-seater <<<
二人部屋: hutaribeya: double room, twin room <<< 部屋
related words: 両者


pronunciation: hutan
kanji characters: ,
translation: burden (n.), responsibility, charge
負担する: hutansuru: bear, support, shoulder
負担を課する: hutannokasuru: burden (v.), charge, tax, impose a burden on <<<
負担を掛ける: hutannokakeru <<<
負担を軽くする: hutonnokarukusuru: lighten the burden <<<
負担額: hutangaku: one's share, allotment <<<
費用を負担する: hiyouohutansuru: bear the expenses <<< 費用
当方負担で: touhouhutande: at our own cost [risk] <<< 当方


pronunciation: hudan
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 不断
keyword: life
translation: usually, habitually, customarily
普段の: hudannno: usual, ordinary, habitual, customary, everyday
普段からする: hudankarasuru: be in the habit of doing
普段の通り: hudannnotoori: as usual, in the usual way <<<
普段の様に: hudannnoyouni <<<
普段より早く: hudannyorihayaku: earlier than usual <<<
普段着: hudangi: everyday [weekday] clothes <<<


pronunciation: huchaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics
translation: adhesion, attachment, adherence
付着する: huchakusuru: adhere [stick] to
付着力: huchakuryoku: adhesiveness <<<
付着力が有る: huchakuryokugaaru: adhesive <<<


pronunciation: huchou
kanji characters: , 調
translation: bad condition, slump
不調な: huchouna: in a bad condition
不調に終る: huchouniowaru: come to nothing, fail through <<<
related words: スランプ


pronunciation: hukkatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: revival, rebirth, resurrection, restoration
復活する: hukkatsusuru: revive (vi.), restore
復活させる: hukkatsusaseru: revive (vt.), restore
復活祭: hukkatsusai: Easter (day), Easter feast [festival] <<< , イースター
synonyms: 蘇生


pronunciation: hukki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: return (n.), reversion
復帰する: hukkisuru: return (v.), revert, be restored


pronunciation: hukkyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: restoration
復旧する: hukkyuusuru: be restored (to the normal condition)
復旧させる: hukkyuusaseru: restore
復旧費: hukkyuuhi: repair costs, repairing charges <<<
復旧工事: hukkyuukouji: repair work <<< 工事
related words: 回復


pronunciation: hukken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: rehabilitation, reinstatement
復権する: hukkensuru: be rehabilitated [reinstated]
復権させる: hukkensaseru: rehabilitate, reinstate

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