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Direct access: 不明 , 不滅 , 不毛 , 冬枯れ , 冬服 , 冬休 , 付与 , 不用 , 扶養 , 不利


pronunciation: humei
kanji characters: ,
translation: obscurity, uncertainty, disappearance
不明の: humeino: obscure, uncertain, unknown, disappeared
不明な: humeina
原因不明: genninhumei: unknown (inexplicable) cause <<< 原因
国籍不明: kokusekihumei: unknown nationality <<< 国籍
意識不明: ishikihumei: dim consciousness <<< 意識
身元不明の: mimotohumeino: unidentified <<< 身元
住所不明: juushohumei: address unknown <<< 住所
作者不明: sakushahumei: of unknown authorship <<< 作者
安否不明: anpihumei: unknown fate <<< 安否
著者不明: choshahumei: unknown authorship <<< 著者
行方不明: yukuehumei: lost <<< 行方
生死不明: seishihumei: be missing <<< 生死


pronunciation: humetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion , physics
translation: immortality, imperishability, indestructibility
不滅の: humetsuno: immortal, imperishable, everlasting, indestructible, undestroyable
不滅にする: humetsunisuru: immortalize, perpetuate
related words: 不死


pronunciation: humou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: infertility, infecundity, barrenness, sterility
不毛の: humouno: infertile, infecund, barren, waste (land), sterile (soil)


pronunciation: huyugare
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: withering in winter, business slump in winter
冬枯れの: huyugareno: leafless in winter


pronunciation: huyuhuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: winter clothing [clothes, wear], winter suit
antonyms: 夏服


pronunciation: huyuyasumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school , calendar
translation: winter vacation
related words: 夏休 , 春休


pronunciation: huyo
kanji characters: ,
translation: grant (n.), granting, bestowing
付与する: huyosuru: grant (v.), bestow (a thing on a person), confer (a title on a person), vest (a person with a power)


pronunciation: huyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: uselessness, inutility
不用の: huyouno: useless, unnecessary, disused
不用の節は: huyounosetsuha: if (it is) not wanted, when (it is) out of use <<<
不用に成る: huyouninaru: fall into desuetude, become useless <<<
不用物: huyoubutsu: disused [discarded] article <<<
不用品: huyouhin <<<


pronunciation: huyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: support, maintenance
扶養する: huyousuru: maintain, support, provide for
扶養者: huyousha: supporter, sustainer <<<
扶養の義務: huyounogimu: obligation to support <<< 義務
扶養の義務が有る: huyounogimugaaru: have an obligation to support <<<
扶養家族: huyoukazoku: a dependent, a family to support <<< 家族
扶養家族が多い: huyoukazokugaooi: have a large family to support <<<
扶養手当: huyouteate: family allowance <<< 手当
扶養控除: huyoukoujo: exemption for dependents (from taxes) <<< 控除


pronunciation: huri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: disadvantage, drawback, handicap
不利な: hurina: disadvantageous, unfavorable, unprofitable
不利に成る: hurininaru: become unfavorable for <<<
antonyms: 有利

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