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Direct access: 地元 , 邪悪 , 邪気 , 弱点 , 蛇口 , 若干 , 邪魔 , 砂利 , 重圧 , 獣医


pronunciation: jimoto
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: locality, home (n.)
地元の: jimotono: local, home (a.)
地元の人: jimotonohito: local people <<<
地元民: jimotomin <<<
地元チーム: jimotochiimu: home (local) team <<< チーム
synonyms: 郷土


pronunciation: jaaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: wickedness, malice
邪悪な: jaakuna: vicious, evil, wicked, malicious


pronunciation: jaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: spirit of mischief, evil spirit, spite
邪気を払う: jakioharau: dispel [drive away, chase away] evil spirits <<<
邪気の有る: jakinoaru: mischievous, wicked, vicious, malicious <<<
邪気の無い: jakinonai: guileless, harmless, innocent <<<
無邪気: mujaki: innocence
無邪気な: mujakina: naïve, innocent
無邪気に: mujakini: naïvely, innocently


pronunciation: jakuten
kanji characters: ,
translation: weak point, defect, weakness
弱点を突く: jakutennotsuku: take advantage of a person's weak spot, avail oneself of a person's disadvantage <<<
弱点に乗じる: jakutennnijoujiru <<<


pronunciation: jaguchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: faucet, tap, spigot
蛇口を捻る: jaguchiohineru: turn on a faucet <<<
蛇口を開ける: jaguchioakeru <<<
蛇口を閉じる: jaguchiotojiru: shut off a faucet <<<
蛇口を閉める: jiguchioshimeru


pronunciation: jakkan
kanji characters: ,
translation: some, a little, a few
若干の: jakkannno
若干名: jakkanmei: some people <<<
若干名の人: jakkanmeinohito <<<


pronunciation: jama
kanji characters: ,
translation: disturbance, obstacle, hindrance, obstruction
邪魔な: jamana: hindering, obstructive, clogging
邪魔する: jamasuru: disturb, obstruct
邪魔だ: jamada: Get out of my way
邪魔に成る: jamaninaru: be [stand, get] in the way <<<
synonyms: 干渉 , 障害 , 妨害


pronunciation: jari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: gravel, pebbles, shingle, kid, brat
砂利を敷く: jarioshiku: gravel (a road) <<<
砂利道: jarimichi: gravel walk (road) <<<


pronunciation: juuatsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: (high) pressure, stress, strain
重圧を加える: juuatsuokuwaeru: press hard, bring pressure to bear upon <<<
重圧感: juuatsukan: oppressive feeling <<<
synonyms: プレッシャー
related words: 圧力


pronunciation: juui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal , medicine
translation: veterinary (surgeon), veterinarian
獣医の: juuino: veterinary (a.)
獣医学: juuigaku: veterinary medicine <<<
獣医学部: juuigakubu: veterinary faculty <<< 学部
獣医学校: juuigakkou: veterinary college <<< 学校

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