Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36
Direct access: 次元 , 事故 , 自己 , 時候 , 時効 , 事項 , 自国 , 時刻 , 自業自得 , 地獄


pronunciation: jigen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: dimension, plane
次元の低い: jigennnohikui: vulgar <<<
次元の異なる: jigennnokotonaru: be on a different plane [level] <<<
四次元: yojigen: the fourth dimension <<<
四次元の: yojigennno: four-dimensional
異次元: ijigen: different plane [level] <<<


pronunciation: jiko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: accident, incident, trouble, breakdown, circumstances
事故を起こす: jikoookosu: cause an accident <<<
事故で死ぬ: jikodeshinu: have a fatal accident <<<
事故に遭う: jikoniau: have an accident <<<
事故車: jikosha: car broken by accident <<<
事故死: jikoshi: accidental death <<<
事故死亡: jikoshibou <<< 死亡
事故現場: jikogenba: place of accident <<< 現場
事故防止: shikoboushi: accident prevention <<< 防止
人身事故: jinshinjiko: traffic accident involving a human life <<< 人身
自動車事故: jidoushajiko: motoring [car] accident <<< 自動車
列車事故: resshajiko: train [railroad] accident, train crash <<< 列車
鉄道事故: tetsudoujiko: railway accident <<< 鉄道
原発事故: genpatsujiko: accident of a nuclear plant <<< 原発
接触事故: sesshokujiko: bump, collision <<< 接触
航空事故: koukuujiko: airplane accident <<< 航空
保険事故: hokenjiko: insurance case, insured event, event covered by insurance <<< 保険
交通事故: koutsuujiko: traffic accident <<< 交通
チェルノブイリ原発事故: cherunobuirigenpatsujiko: Disaster of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant <<< チェルノブイリ
スリーマイル島原発事故: suriimairutougenpatsujiko: Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant accident <<< スリーマイル
related words: 故障


pronunciation: jiko
kanji characters: ,
translation: ego, self
自己の: jikono: personal, private
自己流: jikoryuu: self-taught <<<
自己流で: jikoryuude: after one's own way [style]
自己愛: jikoai: narcissism <<<
自己管理: jikokanri: self-control <<< 管理
自己中心: jikochuushin: egoist <<< 中心
自己防衛: jikobouei: self defense <<< 防衛 , 自衛
自己満足: jikomanzoku: self-satisfaction [-complacency] <<< 満足
自己満足する: jikomanzokusuru: satisfy oneself, be complacent
自己嫌悪: jikokeno: self-abhorrence
自己嫌悪に陥る: jikokenoniochiiru: hate oneself
自己紹介: jikoshoukai: self-introduction <<< 紹介
自己紹介する: jikoshoukaisuru: introduce oneself
自己催眠: jikosaimin: autohypnosis <<< 催眠
自己宣伝: jikosenden: self-advertisement <<< 宣伝
自己批判: jikohihan: mea culpa, auto-criticism <<< 批判
自己資本: jikoshihon: equity capital <<< 資本
自己資本利益率: jikoshihonriekiritsu: return on equity, ROE
synonyms: 自分


pronunciation: jikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather , calendar
translation: season, weather
時候外れの: jikouhazureno: unseasonable, out of season <<<
時候の変り目: jikounokawarime: change [turn] of season
時候の挨拶: jikounoaisatsu: compliments of the season <<< 挨拶
synonyms: 季節
related words: 時期


pronunciation: jikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: prescription
時効に成る: jikouninaru: prescribed, become time-barred, come under the statute of limitations <<<
時効に掛かる: jikounikakaru <<<
時効の中断: jikounochuudan: interruption [suspension] of prescription <<< 中断
時効の停止: jikounoteishi <<< 停止
時効期間: jikoukikan: limitation period, statute of limitation <<< 期間


pronunciation: jikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: matter, subject, article, item
協議事項: kyougijikou: subject [topic] of discussion <<< 協議
記載事項: kisaijikou: mentioned items <<< 記載
了解事項: ryoukaijikou: items agreed upon <<< 了解
該当事項: gaitoujikou: pertinent data, concerning article <<< 該当
申合せ事項: moushiawasejikou: items arranged upon, prearranged items <<< 申合せ
関連事項: kanrenjikou: related matters <<< 関連
機密事項: kimitsujikou: confidential matter, classified information <<< 機密
免責事項: mensekijikou: escape clause <<< 免責
synonyms: 項目 , テーマ , アイテム


pronunciation: jikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: one's (own) country, one's native land
自国の: jikokuno: native, home, vernacular
自国語: jikokugo: one's own language, one's mother tongue <<<
自国人: jikokujin: one's fellow countryman <<<
related words: 母国


pronunciation: jikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , time
translation: (precise) time [hour]
時刻通りに: jikokudoorini: punctually, on time <<<
時刻を違えずに: jikokuotagaezuni <<<
時刻が迫る: jikokugasemaru: Time presses <<<
時刻表: jikokuhyou: train timetable [schedules] <<<
到着時刻: touchakujikoku: arrival time <<< 到着
閉店時刻: heitenjikoku: shop closing time <<< 閉店
synonyms: 時間


pronunciation: jigoujitoku
kanji characters: , , ,
translation: natural consequences of one's own deed
自業自得だ: jigoujitokuda: One must lie one the bed one has made, Serves [It serves] you [him] right! Thank yourself for that


pronunciation: jigoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: hell, bottomless pit, inferno
地獄の: jigokuno: hellish, infernal
地獄の様な: jigokunoyouna <<<
地獄に落ちる: jigokuniochiru: go to hell, be damned <<<
地獄耳: jigokumimi: sharp ears <<<
地獄の沙汰も金次第: jigokunosatamokaneshidai: Money makes the mare (to) go
蟻地獄: arijigoku: ant lion <<<
synonyms: 黄泉 , 冥界
antonyms: 天国

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