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Direct access: 監獄 , 監査 , 関西 , 観察 , 監視 , 冠詞 , 干支 , 鑑識 , 感謝 , 癇癪


pronunciation: kangoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: prison, jail
related words: 刑務所


pronunciation: kansa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: inspection, audit (n.)
監査する: kansasuru: inspect, audit (v.)
監査課: kansaka: section of inspection <<<
監査役: kansayaku: inspector, auditor <<<
会計監査: kaikeikansa: financial audit <<< 会計
外部監査: gaibukansa: external audit <<< 外部
related words: 検査


pronunciation: kansai
kanji characters: , 西
keyword: japan
translation: Kansai region (region including Kyoto, Osaka and 4 other prefectures ie. Shiga, Mie, Wakayama and Hyogo)
関西地方: kansaichihou <<< 地方
関西国際空港: kansaikokusaikuukou: Kansai International Airport <<< 空港
関西大学: kansaidaigaku: Kansai University <<< 大学
関西テレビ: kansaiterebi: Kansai TV <<< テレビ
antonyms: 関東


pronunciation: kansatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: observation, survey
観察する: kansatsusuru: observe, make observation, watch closely
観察眼: kansatsugan: observing [observant] eye <<<
観察者: kansatsusha: observer <<<
観察点: kansatsuten: point of view, viewpoint <<<
観察力: kansatsuryoku: (power of) observation, perspicacity <<<
観察力の鋭い: kansatsuryokunosurudoi: perspicacious <<<
観察力の乏しい: kansatsuryokunotoboshii: unperspicacious <<<
synonyms: 観測


pronunciation: kanshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: superintendence, watch (n.), lookout, surveillance
監視する: kanshisuru: superintend, watch (v.), exercise surveillance (over)
監視兵: kanshihei: lookout man <<<
監視人: kanshinin: superintendent, watchman, warder, picket, ranger <<< , 番人
監視員: kanshiin <<<
監視所: kanshisho: observation post, watchhouse <<<
監視塔: kanshitou: watchtower <<<
監視船: kanshisen: coastguard ship., fishing guard <<<
監視カメラ: kanshikamera: monitoring [security] camera <<< カメラ
related words: 警備


pronunciation: kanshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: article
定冠詞: teikanshi: definite article <<<
部分冠詞: bubunkanshi: partitive article <<< 部分


pronunciation: kanshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: Chinese calendar of sexagenary cycle


pronunciation: kanshiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , art
translation: judgment, discernment, appreciation
鑑識する: kanshikisuru: judge, discern, discriminate, appreciate
鑑識課: kanshikika: identification section <<<
鑑識家: kanshikika: judge, connoisseur <<<
related words: 鑑賞 , 鑑定


pronunciation: kansha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: thanks, gratitude
感謝する: kanshasuru: thank (v.)
感謝している: kanshashiteiru: be grateful
感謝の印として: kanshanoshirushitoshite: as a token of gratitude <<<
感謝を込めて: kanshaokomete: in recognition of his [her, your] service <<<
感謝の言葉: kanshanokotoba: thankyou, thank-you note <<< 言葉
感謝の意を表す: kanshanoioarawasu: express one's gratitude (to a person for his kindness) <<< 謝意
感謝の気持ちを表す: kanshanokimochioarawasu
感謝状: kanshajou: letter of thanks, testimonial <<<
感謝祭: kanshasai: Thanksgiving Day <<<
synonyms: 御礼
related words: 有難う


pronunciation: kanshaku
kanji characters:
translation: choler, passion, temper
癇癪を起こす: kanshakuookosu: lose one's temper, fly into a passion <<<
癇癪を押える: kanshakuoosaeru: control one's temper, keep down one's passion <<<
癇癪玉: kanshakudama: bang, (fire) cracker, choler, passion <<<
癇癪玉を破裂させる: kanshakudamaoharetsusaseru: go into a fit of anger, fly [fall, get] into a passion <<< 破裂
癇癪持ち: kanshakumochi: choleric [testy, touchy] person, hotspur <<<
癇癪持ちの: kanshakumochino: choleric, bilious, hot- [short-] tempered

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