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Direct access: 即興 , 側近 , 即決 , 卒中 , 率直 , 卒業 , 卒論 , 袖口 , 袖丈 , 外側


pronunciation: sokkyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: improvisation
即興の: sokkyouno: improvised, impromptu (a.), offhand, ad-lib
即興で: sokkyoude: impromptu (adv.), offhand, ad-lib
即興曲: sokkyoukyoku: impromptu music <<<
即興詩: sokkyoushi: impromptu poem <<<
即興詩人: sokkyoushijin: improvisator <<< 詩人


pronunciation: sokkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: one's close aides, close attendants, chamberlain
側近者: sokkinsha <<<
related words: 侍従


pronunciation: sokketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: prompt [immediate] decision
即決で: sokketsude: without debate, on the spot
即決する: sokketsusuru: decide promptly [on the spot]
即決裁判: sokketsusaiban: summary trial [decision] <<< 裁判


pronunciation: sotchuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: apoplexy, cerebral paralysis
卒中性: sotchuusei: apoplectic (a.), apoplectical <<<
卒中性の人: sotchuuseinohito: apoplectic (n.) <<<
卒中の人: sotchuunohito
卒中を起こす: sotchuuookosu: suffer [have, be seized with] a stroke (of apoplexy) <<<
卒中に罹かる: sotchuunikakaru <<<
卒中で死ぬ: sotchuudeshinu: die of an apoplectic stroke <<<
卒中発作: sotchuuhossa: attack of apoplexy <<< 発作
脳卒中: nousotchuu: cerebral attack <<<


pronunciation: sotchoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: frankness, directness, openness, sincerity
率直な: sotchokuna: frank, direct, sincere, outright, forthright
率直に: sotchokuni: frankly
率直に話す: sotchokunihanasu: speak plainly (and frankly), call a spade a spade <<<
率直に言う: sotchokuniiu <<<
率直に言えば: sotchokuniieba: to be frank (candid) with you, frankly speaking, in plain words
率直な言葉: sotchokunakotoba: outspokenness <<< 言葉


pronunciation: sotsugyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: graduation
卒業する: sotsugyousuru: graduate (v.)
卒業式: sotsugyoushiki: graduation ceremony <<<
卒業生: sotsugyousei: graduate (n.), alumnus <<<
卒業免状: sotsugyoumenjou: diploma <<< 免状
卒業証書: sotsugyoushousho <<< 証書
卒業試験: sotsugyoushiken: graduation examination <<< 試験
卒業論文: sotsugyouronbun: graduation thesis <<< 論文 , 卒論
卒業アルバム: sotsugyouarubamu: yearbook <<< アルバム
antonyms: 入学


pronunciation: sotsuron
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: graduation thesis


pronunciation: sodeguchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: cuff, wristband


pronunciation: sodetake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: sleeve's length


pronunciation: sotogawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: outer side, outside (n.)
外側の: sotogawano: outside (a.), outer
外側から: sotogawakara: from without
antonyms: 内側

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