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Direct access: 融合 , 融資 , 有志 , 勇者 , 優秀 , 優勝 , 夕食 , 有事 , 友情 , 有人


pronunciation: yuugou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , physics
translation: fusion, assimilation
融合する: yuugousuru: fuse, assimilate
核融合: kakuyuugou: nuclear fusion <<<
related words: 分裂


pronunciation: yuushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: financing, accommodation
融資する: yuushisuru: finance (v.)
融資枠: yuushiwaku: credit line <<<
融資会社: yuushigaisha: financing company <<< 会社
協調融資: kyouchouyuushi: co-financing, joint financing <<< 協調
短期融資: tankiyuushi: call loan <<< 短期


pronunciation: yuushi
kanji characters: ,
translation: interested person, supporter, volunteer
有志の者: yuushinomono <<<
有志の: yuushino: voluntary, interested
有志一同: yuushiichidou: all the persons concerned


pronunciation: yuusha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , history
translation: hero, brave (man)
related words: 英雄


pronunciation: yuushuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: excellence
優秀な: yuushuuna: superior, distinguished, excellent
優秀な生徒: yuushuunaseito: brilliant student <<< 生徒
最優秀: saiyuushuu: the most valuable [distinguished] <<<
最優秀選手: saiyuushuusenshu: MVP, most valuable player <<< 選手
related words: 優等


pronunciation: yuushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: championship, victory
優勝する: yuushousuru: win championship
優勝争い: yuushouarasoi: contention for a championship, pennant race <<<
優勝杯: yuushouhai: championship cup, trophy <<<
優勝旗: yuushouki: champion flag, pennant <<<
優勝者: yuushousha: victor, winner, champion <<<
優勝戦: yuushousen: championship tournament, the finals <<<
優勝試合: yuushoushiai <<< 試合
優勝劣敗: yuushoureppai: survival of the fittest
優勝チーム: yuushouchiimu: winning team <<< チーム
優勝パレード: yuushoupareedo: triumphal procession <<< パレード


pronunciation: yuushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: supper, dinner
夕食を取る: yuushokuotoru: have dinner, take dinner <<<
夕食に招く: yuushokunimaneku: ask someone to dinner <<<
夕食を共にする: yuushokuotomonisuru: share a dinner with, dine with <<<
夕食前: yuushokumae: before dinner <<<
夕食後: yuushokugo: after dinner <<<
夕食時: yuushokuji: during dinner <<<
夕食時間: yuushokujikan: supper time <<< 時間
related words: 朝食 , 昼食


pronunciation: yuuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: emergency
有事の際に: yuujinosaini: in an emergency, in case of emergency <<<


pronunciation: yuujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: friendship
友情の有る: yuujounoaru: friendly <<<
友情の無い: yuujounonai: unfriendly <<<
友情に厚い: yuujouniatsui: be cordial in friendship, be kind of one's friend <<<
友情を以って: yuujouomotte: with friendship, in a friendly manner <<<
related words: 友好


pronunciation: yuujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: manned (system)
有人の: yuujinnno: manned
有人飛行: yuujinhikou: manned flight <<< 飛行
related words: 無人

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