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Direct access: 油膜 , 由来 , 百合 , 揺籠 , 湯沸 , 夜明 , 宵闇 , 余韻 , 用意 , 容易


pronunciation: yumaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: oil slick


pronunciation: yurai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: origin, source, cause, history
由来する: yuraisuru: originate (in), result (from), be derived (from)
由来書: yuraisho: history (document) <<<
synonyms: 起源 , ルーツ
related words: 原因


pronunciation: yuri
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ユリ
keyword: flower
translation: lily
百合の球根: yurinokyuukon: lily bulb <<< 球根
山百合: yamayuri: golden-banded lily <<<
鬼百合: oniyuri: tiger lily <<<
白百合: shirayuri: Easter lily <<<
海百合: umiyuri: crinoid <<<


pronunciation: yurikago
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 揺り籠
keyword: kids
translation: cradle, cot
揺籠から墓場まで: yurikagokarahakabamade: from the cradle to the grave <<< 墓場


pronunciation: yuwakashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: hot-water heating, hot-water heater, kettle
湯沸し器: yuwakashiki: hot-water heater, geyser <<<
related words: 薬缶


pronunciation: yoake
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 夜明け
keyword: time
translation: dawn, daybreak, break of day
夜明に: yoakeni: at dawn
夜明前: yoakemae: before dawn <<<
synonyms: 明方 , 黎明 , ,
related words: 未明


pronunciation: yoiyami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: evening dark, twilight, dark [moonless] evening
synonyms: 黄昏


pronunciation: yoin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: audio
translation: reverberations, lingering [trailing] note, agreeable aftertaste, significance
余韻の有る: yoinnnoaru: pregnant, significant, suggestive, tasteful <<<


pronunciation: youi
kanji characters: ,
translation: preparation, arrangement, preparation, precaution
用意する: youisuru: prepare [provide, arrange] (for), get [make] ready (for), make preparations (for)
用意が出来る: youigadekiru: be ready (for) <<< 出来
用意周到な: youishuutouna: cautious, prudent, carefully arranged
不用意: huyoui: unpreparedness, carelessness <<<
不用意に: huyouini: carelessly, indiscreetly
不用意にも: huyouinimo
不用意な: huyouina: unprepared, careless, imprudent, unguarded
不用意な事を言う: huyouinakotooiu: make a careless remark
不用意な発言をする: huyouinahatsugennosuru <<< 発言
食事を用意する: shokujioyouisuru: prepare a meal, set [fix] the table <<< 食事
related words: 準備 , 支度 , 用心


pronunciation: youi
kanji characters: ,
translation: easiness, simplicity
容易な: youina: easy, simple, plain
容易ならぬ: youinaranu: difficult, hard, grave, alarming
容易ならぬ事態: youinaranujitai: serious [critical] situation <<< 事態
容易に: youini: easily, without difficulty, readily, with ease [facility, little effort]
容易にする: youinisuru: simplify, facilitate, render less difficult
related words: 簡易 , 簡単 , 安易

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