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Direct access: 大尉 , 体育 , 退院 , 退役 , 対応 , 体温 , 退化 , 大会 , 退会 , 対角


pronunciation: taii
kanji characters: ,
keyword: military rank
translation: captain, lieutenant (in Navy)
related words: 中尉 , 少尉


pronunciation: taiiku, taiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: physical education, gymnastics
体育館: taiikukan: gym, gymnasium <<< , ジム
体育家: taiikuka: physical educator [director] <<<


pronunciation: taiin
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: medicine
translation: discharge from hospital
退院する: taiinsuru: leave hospital
退院して居る: taiinshiteiru: be out of hospital <<<
related words: 入院


pronunciation: taieki
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: job
translation: retirement (from services)
退役する: taiekisuru: retire (from services)
退役軍人: taiekigunjin: ex-service man, veteran, retired officer <<< 軍人
synonyms: 引退


pronunciation: taiou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: symmetry, correspondence, similitude, match
対応する: taiousuru: correspond with [to], be equivalent to, cope with
対応策: taiousaku: countermeasure, counterplan <<< , 対策
related words: 対称


pronunciation: taion
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: body temperature
体温を計る: taionnohakaru: take one's temperature <<<
体温が高い: taiongatakai: have a high temperature <<<
体温が低い: taiongahikui: have a low temperature <<<
体温が上がる: taiongaagaru: one's temperature rises <<<
体温が下がる: taiongasagaru: one's temperature falls <<<
体温計: taionkei: (clinical) thermometer <<<


pronunciation: taika
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: biology
translation: degeneration, retrogression, atrophy, devolution
退化する: taikasuru: degenerate, retrograde, regress, be atrophied
退化器官: taikakikan: reduced organ <<< 器官
antonyms: 進化


pronunciation: taikai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , sport
translation: great [grand, mass, general] meeting, convention, congress, rally, tournament
大会の: taikaino: congressional, conventional
大会を開く: taikaiohiraku: organize a great [grand, mass, general] meeting <<<
党大会: toutaikai: party [political] convention <<<
related words: 集会 , ミーティング


pronunciation: taikai
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: sport , amusement
translation: withdrawal from the membership
退会する: taikaisuru: secede [withdraw] from, leave, cease to be a member
退会者: taikaisha: withdrawing [seceding] member, seceder <<<
退会届: taikaitodoke: notice of withdrawal <<<
related words: 入会


pronunciation: taikaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: opposite angle
対角線: taikakusen: diagonal line <<<
対角線の: taikakusennno: diagonal (a.)
対角線を引く: taikakusennohiku: draw a diagonal line <<<

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