
キーワード: 動物 , 機械学
画数: 15
翻訳:bite, gnaw, chew, masticate
噛む: かむ: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate <<<
噛み合い: かみあい: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合う: かみあう: bite at [fight with] each other, gear with, occlude <<<
噛み合わせ: かみあわせ: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合わせる: かみあわせる: clench one's teeth, engage (gear wheels), set (animals) fighting each other <<<
噛み殺す: かみころす: bite to death, suppress, keep back <<<
噛み砕く: かみくだく: crunch, crash with the teeth <<<
噛み締める: かみしめる: chew (well), masticate, appreciate, meditate on <<<
噛み付く: かみつく: bite [snap] (at) <<<
噛み分ける: かみわける: understand, appreciate <<<
噛る: かじる: gnaw (upon), nibble (at), bite (at), have a smattering of <<<
語句:噛み煙草 , 犬に噛まれる , 舌を噛む , 爪を噛む , 唇を噛む , 臍を噛む , ガムを噛む

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