Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: shape
Number of strokes: 3
translation: ball, round, circle, ring
丸: maru: round (n.), circle, suffix of ship's name (jp.)
丸ごと: marugoto: wholly, entirely
丸で: marude: completely, entirely, utterly, altogether
丸で囲む: marudekakomu: encircle <<<
丸い: marui: round (a.), circular
丸く: maruku: round (adv.), in a circle
丸く成る: marukunaru: round (vi.), roll up into a ball <<<
丸まる: marumaru
丸くする: marukusuru: round, make round, round off, round up
丸める: marumeru: round (vt.), make round, make (a thing) into a ball, crumple (a piece of paper) into a ball, curl up, charm the pants off sb., twist sb. around [round] one's (little) finger
丸く治める: marukuosameru: settle (the affair) amicably, smooth over (a quarrel) <<<
丸: tama: ball, bullet, shell <<<
Kanji words: 丸太 , 睾丸 , 弾丸
Expressions: 丸括弧 , 丸暗記 , 丸暗記する

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