Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 12
translation: cool, cold, poor, ignoble
寒い: samui: cool, cold, chilly
寒さ: samusa: coolness, coldness
寒がる: samugaru: complain of the cold, be sensitive to the cold, feel the cold
寒がり: samugari: person sensitive to [who quickly feels] the cold
寒がりの人: samugarinohito <<<
寒しい: iyashii: poor, ignoble <<<
Kanji words: 寒波 , 寒流 , 寒天 , 寒冷 , 寒気 , 寒帯
Expressions: 随分寒い , 寒さの所為で , 寒気団 , 薄ら寒い , 肌寒い , 懐が寒い

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