Japanese display


pronunciation: chie
kanji characters: ,
translation: wisdom, wit, intelligence
知恵の有る: chienoaru: wise, witty, intelligent <<<
知恵の無い: chienonai: silly, stupid, unwise, brainless, soft-headed <<<
知恵を貸す: chieokasu: give council [advice, suggestion] <<<
知恵を借りる: chieokariru: take advice from, consult <<<
知恵を出す: chieodasu: show wisdom <<<
知恵を絞る: chieoshiboru: beat one's brains <<<
知恵が付く: chiegatsuku: grow wise [intelligent], get wisdom <<<
知恵比べ: chiekurabe: contest of wits <<<
知恵の輪: chienowa: puzzle-ring <<<
知恵者: chiemono: man of resources, sage <<< , 策士
知恵歯: chieba: wisdom tooth, third molar <<<
入れ知恵: ireJie: hint, borrowed wisdom <<<
入れ知恵する: ireJiesuru: suggest an idea (to a person), drop [give] (a person) a hint, instigate
後知恵: atoJie: afterthought <<<

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