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category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() ![]() ![]() keyword: love nb of strokes: 13 translation: love, enamour, admire, affection, attachment ai 愛でる: mederu: love (v.), admire 愛しい: itoshii: darling, dear, loving 愛しむ: oshimu: value (v.), hold dear <<< 惜 愛する: aisuru: love (v.), enamour, be fond of, be attached to, have affection [passion] for, care for, loving, affectionate, dear, beloved 愛しています: aishiteimasu: I love you 愛すべき: aisubeki: lovable 愛し合う: aishiau: love each other, be in love <<< 合 愛する子: aisuruko: one's beloved child <<< 子 愛する者: aisurumono: one's love, darling, dear one <<< 者 愛する夫: aisuruotto: one's dear husband <<< 夫 愛する妻: aisurutsuma: one's dear wife <<< 妻 愛の囁き: ainosasayaki: whispers of love, sweet nothings <<< 囁 愛の印: ainoshirushi: love-token <<< 印 愛を捧げる: aiosasageru: devote one's love <<< 捧 Kanji words: 愛撫 , 愛着 , 愛知 , 愛人 , 愛情 , 愛犬 , 愛国 , 愛好 , 愛嬌 , 愛妻 , 愛車 , 愛称 , 愛想 , 愛欲 , 愛憎 , 溺愛 , 愛媛 , 博愛 , 慈愛 , 可愛い , 敬愛 , 求愛 , 恋愛 , 最愛 , 親愛 , 友愛 Expressions: 母の愛 , 君を愛する , 変わらぬ愛 , 同胞愛 , 同性愛 , 同性愛の , 永遠の愛 , 父母の愛 , 不倫の愛 , 夫婦愛 , 異性愛 , 異性愛の , 自己愛 , 人類愛 , 愛の告白 , 口元が愛らしい , 兄弟愛 , 郷土愛 , 愛の芽生 , 人間愛 , 隣人愛 , 両親の愛 , 小児愛 , 祖国愛 synonyms: 恋 , ラブ 煎
category: JIS1radical: ![]() keyword: food nb of strokes: 13 translation: parch, roast, boil, cook sen 煎る: iru: parch (v.), roast <<< 炒 煎る: niru: boil, cook <<< 煮 Kanji words: 焙煎 , 肝煎 , 煎餅 Expressions: 二番煎じ , コーヒーを煎れる 煩
category: common usageradical: ![]() nb of strokes: 13 translation: trouble, annoy, worry, bore, cumber han, bon 煩わしい: wazurawashii: annoying, boring, cumbersome 煩わす: wazurawasu: trouble (vt.), annoy, worry, bore, cumber 煩う: wazurau: be worried, be concerned 煩い: wazurai: sickness (jp.), illness <<< 患 煩い: urusai: annoying, troublesome, tiresome, noisy, boisterous, persistent, importunate, fastidious, hard to please, Shut up! Don't bother me! Leave me alone! 煩く: urusaku: annoyingly, persistently, importunately 煩る: urusagaru: feel annoyed [bothered] (by, at), find (a matter) troublesome 煩らせる: urusagaraseru: annoy, bother 煩くせがむ: urusakusegamu: pester (a person into doing), importune (a person to do) 煩そうに: urusasouni: with an annoyed look [air] Kanji words: 煩悩 Expressions: 思い煩う 寛
category: common usageradical: ![]() nb of strokes: 13 translation: vast, relax kan 寛い: hiroi: vast, huge <<< 広 寛し: hiroshi 寛ぐ: kutsurogu: relax, be at ease, make oneself at home 寛いで: kutsuroide: at ease, tranquilly, comfortably 寛ぎ: kutsurogi: ease (n.), rest, tranquility, comfort 寛げる: kutsurogeru: ease (v.), release, loosen, comfortable 寛やか: yuruyaka: lenient, loose, gentle (slope) <<< 緩 Kanji words: 寛大 , 寛容
category: JIS1radical: ![]() keyword: clothes nb of strokes: 13 translation: skirt, cuffs kyo 裾: suso: skirt, cuffs, foot [base] of the mountain (jp.) Kanji words: 裾野 , 裾分け check also: スカート 鉢
category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: utensil nb of strokes: 13 translation: bowl, basin, pot, crown (of the head) hachi, hatsu 鉢: hachi Kanji words: 鉢巻 , 火鉢 Expressions: 菓子鉢 , 金魚鉢 , 手洗い鉢 , 植木鉢 傾
category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: position nb of strokes: 13 translation: incline, lean, upset, overturn kei 傾く: katamuku: incline (to), lean (to, toward), list, careen, bank, be inclined (to), decline, be reduced, wane, be sinking 傾ける: katamukeru: incline, bend, tilt, lean, slant, heel, devote oneself to (doing), be absorbed in (doing), ruin, destroy 傾き: katamuki: tendency, trend, bent, turn (for), inclination, disposition, slant, slope 傾す: kutsugaesu: upset, overturn, turn over <<< 覆 傾れ: nadare: slide, slip <<< 雪崩 傾れ込む: nadarekomu: surge [rush, swarm] into (a place) <<< 込 傾れ落ちる: nadareochiru: slide down <<< 落 Kanji words: 傾向 , 傾斜 Expressions: 右に傾く , 左に傾く , 首を傾げる , 情熱を傾ける , 精根を傾ける 窟
category: JIS1radical: ![]() keyword: nature nb of strokes: 13 translation: cave, cavern, grotto kutsu, kotsu 窟: iwaya Kanji words: 洞窟 , 巣窟 Expressions: 阿片窟 synonyms: 洞窟 奨
category: common usageradical: ![]() nb of strokes: 13 translation: advise, encourage, recommend, spur shou, sou 奨める: susumeru Kanji words: 奨学 , 奨励 , 推奨 synonyms: 勧 碌
category: JIS2radical: ![]() nb of strokes: 13 translation: blue stone (orig.), uselessness roku 碌な: rokuna: (no) good, (no) decent, (not) satisfactory 碌に: rokuni: (not) properly, (not) fully, (not) enough 碌で無し: rokudenashi: worthless fellow, good-for-nothing, nogoodnik, waster <<< 無 碌でも無い: rokudemonai: worthless, useless <<< 無
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