Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: anime

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Osamu Tezuka

alternative words: Tezuka Osamu
keywords: anime , astroboy , author , manga
related topics: Astroboy , Princess knight , Kimba the White Lion , Hi no tori , Hyotan Tsugui , Rental book
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Japanese mangaka, born November 3, 1926, near Osaka and dead February 9, 1989. He is one of the most important mangaka of post-war years. In fact, his works are spreading from the period of "Kashihonya" (rental book store) to TV animes by passing through manga magazines and comics. During his medical studies, he had already begun to publish mangas. As his main works, we can quote "Astroboy", "Black Jack", "Princess knight" , "Kimba the White Lion" and "Hi no tori".


alternative words: Oscar Fran�ois de Jarjayes
keywords: anime , character , manga
related topics: Lady Oscar
explanation: Main character of a manga "Lady Oscar". Since the noble family of de Jarjayes has only daughters, she has been brought up as a boy with the aim of choosing her as the successor. She is also a friend of Andy who is a grandson of wet nurse. Later, she becomes a head of royal guard of Marie Antoinette at Versailles Castle.


alternative words: Osomatsu-kun, Osomatsu kun, Young sextuplets
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Fujio Akatsuka , Shonen Sunday
explanation: Manga written by Fujio Akatsuka and published by Shonen Sunday from April 1962 to 1967. Thanks to innumerable gags and funny characters, it shared the popularity with "Iga no Kagemaru" of "Mitsuteru Yokoyama" (a tale of Ninja) on Shonen Sunday. The shout "chez" of a French loving character, "Iyami", became a popular expression of that epoch. The anime version was aired by Mainich TV between February 1966 and March 1967.


ポケモン ポケットモンスター
alternative words: Pocket Monster
keywords: anime , game , pokemon
related topics: Game Boy , Ash , Pikachu , Nintendo , TV Tokyo
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explanation: Developed by Gamefreak and commercialized by Nintendo in February 1996, the concept of this RPG for Color Game Boy is a continuation of Tamagocchi : the goal of this game is not only to bring up the monsters but also to beat others by connecting 2 machines. The hero of this game is a boy who makes trip by taming "pokemon" (Pocket Monster). Being adapted to an anime series, it has provoked a crisis epileptic among certain.

Porco Rosso

alternative words: Kurenainobuta, Kurenaino buta, Kurenai no buta
keywords: anime , title
related topics: Hayao Miyazaki , Studio Ghibli
explanation: The scene takes place between 2 wars in Italy. It tells the story about a pilot who has turned into a pig by a magic and spends his time by piloting airplane only for his pleasure, the vision of his own life that Miyazaki wishes to superpose. The scene of aerial combats between seaplanes throughout the movie has impressed the public of all over the world. Produced by Studio Ghibli (1992)

Princess knight

alternative words: Princess Saphir, Prince Saphir, Ribbon knight, Ribbon no kishi, Ribon no kishi, Ribonno kishi
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Osamu Tezuka , Nakayoshi , Astroboy , Fuji TV
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Manga created by Osamu Tezuka and published on monthly Shojo Club (Girl's Club) between January 1953 and January 1956. It tells the adventure of a princess who has been raised as prince because of a political reason. A news series was published on Nakayoshi of Kodansha between January 1963 and October 1966 while an anime version was aired between April 1967 and April 1968 by Fuji TV. Princess knight shared the popularity with Astroboy on manga of 50's, respectively girls and boys.

Princess Mononoke

alternative words: Mononoke hime
keywords: anime
related topics: Hayao Miyazaki , Studio Ghibli
related web sites: , ,
explanation: The scene takes place during medial times in Japan, where the virgin forest had covered the archipelagos and the people were living near wood sprits (Mononoke means sprint in Japanese). It tells the story of a young prince Ashitaka who left for a trip to west in order to exorcize himeself after having been attacked by a bad sprit. Master piece of a famous Japanese film-maker, Hayao Miyazaki, this historical and environmental anime has beaten all the records of Japanese box office. Produced by Studio Ghib

Princess Sarah

alternative words: Sarah, Little princess Sara
keywords: anime , title
related topics: Nippon Animation
related web sites: ,
explanation: Adaptation to an anime of a novel of the famous English American writer, Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924). It tells the story about a little girl, who, after the death of his father, has spent her life under a persecution of the schoolmistress, Miss Minchin, until she will be adopted by a friend of her father. The anime realized by Nippon Animation and broadcasted by Fuji TV between January and December 1985, has received a prize of the best children films from the government.

Ranma 1/2

alternative words: Ranma, Ramma 1/2
keywords: anime , manga , ranma 1/2 , title
related topics: Rumiko Takahashi , Shonen Sunday , Fuji TV
related web sites:
explanation: This karate comedy has been written by mangaka Rumiko Takahashi, the same author as Maison Ikkoku. It tells the story about a karate kid (Ranma) who turns into a girl when he sprays himself with waters and into a boy with hot waters. Manga version has appeared between 1987 and 1996 in a weekly magazine, Shonen Sunday, while the anime version has been broadcasted by Fuji TV between April 1989 and September 1992.

Real World

keywords: anime , diverse , lain
related topics: Serial Experiments Lain
explanation: Real world as opposed to the virtual world created by "Wired" in "Serial Experiments Lain".

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