Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: town

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Nara City

alternative words: Narashi city, Narashi, Nara shi, Nara
keywords: nara , tourist resort , town
related topics: Nara Prefecture , Todaiji Temple , Great Buddha of Nara
related web sites: ,
explanation: Town where the office of Nara Prefecture is situated. The population is 0.3 million. Nara has been built by Empress Genme in 710 and remained as capital of Japan until 784. By imitating Chinese capital, the town was divided into districts by horizontal and vertical streets as a checkerboard, but the western part had been abandoned. Each year, it attracts about 16 millions of tourists because it owns innumerable temples and shrines like Todaiji and Kasuga Shrine.

Narita city

成田市 成田
alternative words: Naritashi city, Naritashi, Narita shi, Narita
keywords: tourist resort , town
related topics: Narita airport , Shinshoji temple , Chiba prefecture , Keisei electric railway , JR east Japan
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explanation: Located in the northern Chiba prefecture in the east of Inbanuma lake, Naria had developed as a temple town of Shinshoji during the middle ages. Since the opening of a new international airport of Tokyo in 1978, many industries has implemented in Narita. Farmers are cultivating vegetables, peanuts and potatoes. Mausoleum of Sakura Shogoro is well known for cherry blossoms. The total population is 96,000. You can get there via Keisei railway or Narita line of JR east Japan.

Nayoro city

alternative words: Nayoroshi city, Nayoroshi, Nayoro-shi, Nayoro shi, Nayoro
keywords: hokkaido , ski resort , town
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture , Yamagata prefecture
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explanation: Located in the north of Hokkaido, the town is very young, because it was created by the colons coming from Yamagata prefecture in 1900. Its main activity is based on agriculture: diary farming, potatoes, sugar beets etc. Nayoro is well known as one of the coldest towns in Japan and Mecca of winter sports with its 90m K ski jump (normal hill) stadium. The population is 34,000.

Nemuro city

alternative words: Nemuroshi city, Nemuroshi, Nemuro-shi, Nemuro shi, Nemuro
keywords: harbor , hokkaido , town
related topics: Hokkaido Prefecture , Kuril Island
related web sites: ,
explanation: Town located in the east of Hokkaido, on Nemuro peninsula, facing Kunashiri island. It population is about 40,000. A tiny trading post with Ainu living in Kuril islands during Edo period, it has developed considerably as the fishing base of Kuril area since Meiji era. It owns many canning and freezing factories for fishes captured not only by Japanese but also Russians.

Niigata city

新潟市 新潟
alternative words: Niigatashi city, Niigatashi, Niigata shi, Niigata
keywords: town , world cup
related topics: Niigata prefecture , Sado island , Shinano river
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explanation: Located at the delta of 2 big rivers, Shinano and Abukuma, Niigata has developed during Edo period as a harbor to collect the rice. Opened in 1858 to foreigners, it has become the biggest harbor of Hokuriku region with links to Sado island and Vladivostok. A reserve of natural gas and oil gave the birth of petroleum and chemical industry, but the exploration has stopped due to a subsidence. Some matches of soccer world cup 2002 will be organized there. The population is a half million.

Nobeoka city

alternative words: Nobeokashi city, Nobeokashi, Nobeoka shi, Nobeoka
keywords: kyushu , town
related topics: Miyazaki prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in the northern Miyazaki prefecture, on the delta of Gokase river, facing Pacific Ocean, Nobeoka appeared first in the history with the name of "Agata" then developed as a castle town in the middle ages. But its development really began when "Nihon chisso hiryo", actual "Asahi chemical industry" had installed a fertilizer factory in 1923. With the other factories such as chemical and plastic industries, Nobeoka has become the industrial center of Miyazaki. The population is 128,000.

Numata city

alternative words: Numatashi city, Numatashi, Numata shi, Numata
keywords: town
related topics: Gunma prefecture , Tone river , Oze plain , Nikko
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explanation: Located in the northern Gunma prefecture, in the upper stream of Tone river, the town had developed as a castle town of Sanada clan between 16 and 17th century, and later as a market town. Surrounded by mountains such as Mts Akagi and Hotaka, the forestry is active. Numata is also a tourist base to Oze plain and Oku Nikko (inner Nikko). The population is 47,000.

Numazu city

alternative words: Numazushi city, Numazushi, Numazu-shi, Numazu shi, Numazu
keywords: harbor , tourist resort , town
related topics: Shizuoka prefecture , Hakone , Izu peninsula
related web sites:
explanation: Located in eastern Shizuoka prefecture, Numazu owns not only a good harbor but occupies a junction of the old Tokaido road which goes around Hakone mountain and the new one which goes through. For that reason, it had developed as a post town during Edo period. Since World War II, Numazu has been active in industries such as machinery, chemicals and sea food processing. It is also an important fishing base and a tourism base to Izu peninsula. The population is 210,000.

Obihiro city

alternative words: Obihiroshi city, Obihiroshi, Obihiro-shi, Obihiro shi, Obihiro
keywords: town
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture , Nemuro city
related web sites:
explanation: Located in the south-east of Hokkaido at the center of Tokachi plain, Obihiro was created by government sponsored militia-farmers (Tondenhei) during Meiji period. Thanks to the vast Tokachi plain, the agriculture is its essential activity: dairy, beans, potatoes, sugar beets etc. It owns an airport and Nemuro railway line goes through. The total population is 172,000.

Odawara city

alternative words: Odawarashi city, Odawarashi, Odawara-shi, Odawara shi, Odawara
keywords: kanagawa , town
related topics: Kanagawa prefecture , Hakone
related web sites:
explanation: Located in the west of Kanagawa prefecture, it has always played important historic roles because of its geography: in the east Sakawa river, in the west Hakone mountains and in the south an Ocean. During Sengoku period, it had developed as a castle town of Hojo clan. Then it became a castle town of Okubu clan and was prosperous as a post town of Tokaido road until 1868. It remains an important traffic point. The main industries are photo and printing. The population is 186,000.

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