Online dictionary of Germany travel and tourism: human heritage

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German words: Weimar
keywords: human heritage , tourist resort , town
related topics: Leipzig
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explanation: Located in central Germany, southwest of Leipzig, Weimar is a well know European cultural center. In fact, Goethe had lived at Weimar since 1775 and became its prime minister in 1783. Other famous persons such as Schiller and Nietzsche also lived there. After WWI, a new German state, Weimar republic, was proclaimed there in 1919. Classic buildings of Weimar were chosen in 1999 as a human heritage of UNESCO but in 2004, Duchess Anna Amalia Library burned out and inestimable German classic books were lost.


German words: Würzburg
keywords: human heritage , tourist resort , town
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explanation: Situated at the start point of so called "Romantic Road" in Franconia which lies in northern Bavaria, Würzburg was christianised by an Irish missionary, Kilian, in 686 and became the seat of a powerful bishopric in the subsequent period. Majestic Marienburg castle, overlooking the city, was built in between 1200 and 1600, while bishop's residence, now enlisted in UNESCO's human heritage as a Baroque's master piece, was built in 19th century. In March 1945, Würzburg was severely damaged by British bombing.

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