Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: paris

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Vincennes castle

French words: Château de Vincennes
alternative words: Vincennes, Château de Vincennes, Chateau Vincennes
keywords: castle , paris , paris suburb , tourist resort
related topics: Versailles palace , Bois de Vincennes
related web sites: ,
explanation: There had existed already a hunting lodge for King Louis VII in 12th century at the eastern limit of Paris. In 1337, Philippe VI built a huge donjon in order to defend Paris from English invaders. During the 100 Years' War against England, French kings took refuge in Loire region by giving up Paris, so Vincennes castle. It was King Louis XI who returned back first to Vincennes in the late 15th century. King Louis XIV added pavilions of king and of queen before leaving for Versailles in 1682.

Yves Saint Laurent

French words: Yves Saint Laurent
alternative words: Saint Laurent
keywords: paris , shop
related topics: Christian Dior
related web sites: , ,
explanation: French fashion designer, Yves Saint Laurent was in 1936 at Oran, French north African colony at that epoch. The child happened to be precocious because, after having won a designer award at the age 17, he was hired by Christian Dior and became its chief designer at 21. In 1962, he started his own fashion house with his friend Pierre Bergé. In 1966, they began to sell ready-to-wear collection, "Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche". In 1999, the house was sold to Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent retired in 2002.

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