Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: kyushu

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Sasebo City

alternative words: Saseboshi city, Sasebo, Saseboshi, Sasebo-shi
keywords: harbor , kyushu , military base , town
related topics: Nagasaki Prefecture
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explanation: Town located in the north-west of Nagasaki Prefecture, facing East China Sea. Its population is 250,000. Since the Japanese government chose it as the headquarters of 3rd naval district in 1886, it has developed always as a military harbor. Though during WWII, most of the town had been destroyed, it has been restored as a merchant and fishing harbor. Nevertheless, used by Japanese and American navies, it still keeps a role of military harbor.

Shimabara City

alternative words: Shimabarashi city, Shimabarashi, Shimabara-shi, Shimabara shi, Shimabara
keywords: kyushu , town
related topics: Nagasaki Prefecture
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explanation: Situated in Shimabara Peninsula of Nagasaki Prefecture, the town is the center of the regional tourism. In November 1990, the volcano (Mt. Fuken), located in the west of the town, wake up suddenly after 2 centuries of sleep and made 43 victims in the next year, most of them being policemen and firemen who watched the district nearby.

Tane Island

alternative words: Tanegashima Island, Tanegashima, Tanega-shima
keywords: island , kyushu , research center
related topics: Kagoshima Prefecture , Yaku Island , Oosumi strait
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explanation: Tanegashima is an long island stretched along North-South direction and located in the northwest of Yaku Island. The area is about 450 km2. Formed of flat sea erosion terraces, its highest point is 282m. It is well known that Portuguese have brought for the first time guns into Japan in 1543 at that place. Now it has become a base to launch satellites.

Tsushima Island

alternative words: Tsu-shima island, Tsushima, Tsu-shima, Tsu shima, Tushima
keywords: island , kyushu
related topics: Nagasaki Prefecture , Tsushima strait
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explanation: Occupying a strategic place between Japan and Korea, the name of this island appeared very early in the history. Its surface is about 700 km2 and occupied mostly by mountains where are living wild cats called "Tsushima yamaneko". Tsushima means "paired island" because when observed from the offing, it appears as 2 islands (in reality they are connected by a narrow isthmus where a tiny canal now passes). The capital is at Izuhara. Most of the inhabitants are living with fishin and tourism.

Tsushima strait

alternative words: Tsushimakaikyo, Tsushima kaikyo, Tsushimakaikyou, Tsushima kaikyou, Higashisuido, Higashi suido, East strait
keywords: kyushu , strait
related topics: Tsushima island , Iki island
explanation: Strait separating Tsushima and Iki islands and connecting East China sea with Japan sea. The shortest width is about 32km. Sometimes it is called East Korean strait or East Tsushima strait, or shortly East strait, by opposing West strait which separates Tsushima from Korean peninsula. In order to let pass freely foreign ships, 3 nautical mile delimitation instead of 12 miles is used on this strait. During Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905, a great naval battle took place on this zone.

Usa Shrine

alternative words: Usajingu Shrine, Usa-jingu, Usa Jingu
keywords: kyushu , shrine
related topics: Oita Prefecture , Hachimangu Shrine
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explanation: It is one of the oldest shrines because the ancient book of Japanese history, Nihonshoki already mentions it: the first Emperor, Jinmu stayed there to rest for 1 year before invading Kinki region. The shrine worships Japanese 15th Emperor, Ojin and is very influential because it owns many child shrines all over Japan, Hachimangu Shrine at Kamakura City being the most famous one.

Yaku Island

alternative words: Yakushima Island, Yakushima, Yaku-shima, Yaku
keywords: island , kyushu , tourist resort , world heritage
related topics: Kagoshima Prefecture , Tane Island
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Yakushima is an island located on the south of Osumi Peninsula of Kagoshima prefecture and its area covers about 500 km2. Mt. Miyanoura located at its center is the highest peak of Kyushu region. Being one of the rainiest zone in Japan, the mountainside is covered with a primeval forest of Yaku cedars of several thousands year old. Included in Kirishima Yaku National Park, it has developed recently as a popular tourist resort. There is a regular flight line from Kagoshima.

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