Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: china

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Invasion of Korea

朝鮮出兵 文禄の役 慶長の役 文禄・慶長の役
alternative words: Bunroku no eki, Keicho no eki, Bunroku Keicho no eki, Bunroku Keicho attack, Korean campaign
keywords: china , korea , war
related topics: Sengoku period , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Kato Kiyomasa , Arita ware , Satsuma ware
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explanation: Aware of a smallness of Japan, Toyotomi Hideyoshi decided, after its unification, to invade China. He began first to send troops to Korea in May 1592. Ill prepared, Koreans were quickly defeated and Japanese reached Manchuria frontier in few months. It provoked in turn a massive response of Chinese troops and the both countries signed an armistice. Unhappy with it, Hideyoshi sent again troops in 1597 but this time the campaign was more difficult and ended with the death of Hideyoshi.

Japanese kite

alternative words: Tako, kite
keywords: art , china , craft , game , thing
related topics: Heian period , Samurai , Edo period , Japanese paper , New year
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explanation: Invented 3000 years ago, it arrived in Japan from China at the beginning of Heian period. During Kamakura period, the kites spread among samurai clans, not only because of their military interests but also they symbolized a bravery, but it is since Edo period that kites have become a popular entertainment for everybody. Contrary to western kites which give an importance to technical aspect, Japanese kites are appreciated by their beautiful pictures drawn on the surface.

Japanese paper

和紙 日本紙
alternative words: Washi, Wa-shi, Wa shi, Nihonshi, Nihon-shi, Nihon shi
keywords: china , craft , korea
related topics: Heian period , Kamakura period , Edo period , Shoji
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explanation: Invented in China, its fabrication technique was brought to Japan in 610 by a Korean priest, Doncho. During Heian period, fancy papers that the nobility used to write down their poems were created from the official factories. In the following Kamakura period, the samurai clan needed utility paper while the factories were decentralized and Japanese paper reached its apogee during Edo period with more that 100 varieties but declined with an arrival of western papers.

Japanese top

独楽 コマ
alternative words: Top, Tops
keywords: china , game , korea
related topics: Nara period , Edo period , New year
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explanation: In Japanese, "top" is called "koma" because it arrived to Japan through Korea (koma is its old name) from China during Nara period. First, it had become popular among aristocrats with "unarigoma" (humming top) then spread among all the classes with quite different materials (wood, bamboo, metal etc.) during middle ages. During Edo period a top acrobat was popular. Combat of metallic tops ("begoma") is also well known. Top was greatly played during a new year festival until recently.


alternative words: Japanese zither, Sou, So, Zither
keywords: china , music
related topics: Nara period
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explanation: A zither imported from China during Nara period. Initially having small size (about 1 m long) as an ordinary zither with 5 cords, it has evolved to become longer (about 1.8 m) with 13 cords. Laying horizontally, the note is controlled by tiny moving bridges set under each cord. The musician puts small picks on her thumb and first two fingers of the right hand and the left hand is used to control the note.


空海 弘法大師
alternative words: Kuukai, Kobodaishi, Kobo-daishi, Kobo daishi, Kouboudaishi, Kobotaishi, Kouboutaishi
keywords: buddhism , china , famous person , priest
related topics: Shingon sect , Heian period , Buddhism , Esoteric Buddhism , Saicho
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explanation: Born in 774 in Kagawa prefecture. He learned first in Buddhism and Confucianism Kinki region. Then he trained in different sanctuaries for 7 years and left many legends with the name of Kobotaishi. In 804, he went to China with Saicho to bring a new Buddhism doctrine (Esoteric Buddhism) to Japan and created Shingon sect. Kongobuji temple opened by him at Mount Koya in Wakayama prefecture still remains an important sanctuary. He died in 835.

Manchurian incident

alternative words: Manshu incident, Manshujihen, Manshu jihen
keywords: china , colony , event , war
related topics: Manshukoku , Guandong army
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explanation: In order to recover Japan from a severe economic crisis, the general stuff of Japanese Guandong army, Ishiwara Kanji and Itagaki Seishiro had planed to make Manchuria as Japanese colony. First, they blew up Manchurian railroad on 18 September, 1931 (Ryujoko incident) without authorization of the central government, then they conquered the whole Manchuria in 3 months by pretending to protect Japanese interests against China. Then, Manshukoku was created with Puyi as emperor.


alternative words: Manshu koku, Manchukuo, Manchoukuo, Manchu kuo, Manchou kuo
keywords: china , colony , russia
related topics: Guandong army , Manchurian incident , Nomonhan incident
related web sites: , ,
explanation: After Manchurian incident in September 1931, Japanese Guandong army conquered quickly all the Manchuria and created a puppet state by putting the last Chinese emperor Puyi (Fugi) to the throne and Changchun (Shinkyo) as capital. The League of nations sent Lytton commission and condemned it but Japan preferred to leave the League of nations. The country was industrialized by a Japanese trust, Manchuria Heavy Industry Company (Manshu Jukogyo Kaihatsu Kaisha) and existed until August 1945.

Myoan Yosai

明庵栄西 栄西
alternative words: Myoan Eisai, Yosai Myoan, Eisai Myoan, Yosai, Eisai
keywords: buddhism , china , famous person , priest
related topics: Rinzai sect , Tendai sect , Zen , Kamakura shogunate
explanation: Born in 1141 in a samurai family of Okayama prefecture. He learned first Esoteric Buddhism from Tendai sect of Mt Hiei. He went 2 times to China (1168 and 1186) to learn Zen, then opened the first Japanese Zen temple, Seifukuji, in Fukuoka. When he went to Kyoto to propagate Zen, he was persecuted by Tendai sect and had to flee to Kamakura. There he built Jufukuji temple under a patronage of Kamakura shogunate, then Kenninji temple at Kyoto. He died in 1215.

Nomonhan incident

ノモンハン事件 ノモンハン
alternative words: Nomonhan jiken, Halha incident, Nomonhan war, Nomonhan, Khalkhin Gol, Khalkin Ghol, Halkin Gol
keywords: china , event , russia , war , world war 2
related topics: Manshukoku , Guandong army
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: After a secret agreement, Russia created Mongolian people's republic and Japan, Manchukuo but the frontier had not been clearly defined and a border crash took place in summer 1939. First Japanese Guandong army beat the small Mongolian army but Russia sent the best mechanized divisions and beat severely ill equipped Japanese. Moreover Germany and Russia concluded no aggression pact in August, the idea to consider Russia as a potential enemy retreated and Anglo-Saxon replaced it.

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