Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: mystery

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Tomb of Christ

alternative words: Grave of Christ, Tomb of Jesus Christ, Grave of Jesus Christ
keywords: mystery
related web sites: ,
explanation: Grave of Christ was discovered by Takenouchi Oomaro, founder of Amatsu sect, in 1935 at Herai village (actual Shingo) in the east of Lac Towada. According to a legend, it is not Chris who should have been crucified but his young brother. He would have successfully fled from the persecution and arrived Japan through the central Asia and Siberia. He argued that Herai should be a phonetic deformation of Hebrai.

Toshusai Sharaku

東洲斎写楽 写楽
alternative words: Sharaku Toshusai, Toushuusai Sharaku, Sharaku Toushuusai, Sharaku
keywords: artist , famous person , mystery , ukiyoe
related topics: Edo period , Ukiyoe , Katsushika Hokusai
related web sites: , ,
explanation: An obscure ukiyoe artist of the middle Edo period. The birth date and place unknown. Because he has left splendid ukiyoe works only during a short period around 1794-1795, it is suggested that Sharaku should be a pseudonym of another well known artist like Katsushika Hokusai or Maruyama Okyo. Being specialized in portrait of kabuki actors, his works show lively their face and gesture.

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