Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: russia

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Portsmouth treaty

ポーツマス条約 日露講和条約
alternative words: Treaty of Portsmouth, Nichiro kowa joyaku
keywords: northern territory , russia , treaty
related topics: Russo-Japanese war , Sakhalin island
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explanation: Treaty concluded between Japanese plenipotentiary, Komura Jutaro and Russian counter part Sergei Witte in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1905 after Russo-Japanese war. It stipulates that Russia should cede southern Sakhalin, Liaotung peninsula with port Arthur and southern Manchuria railroads to Japan, and recognize Japanese preponderance on Korea. Komura, unable to get an indemnity from Russia, it provoked a great number of manifestations all over Japan.


alternative words: Evfimii Putiatin, Evfimi Vasilievich Putiatin, Putyatin, Eufimij Putyatin
keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory , russia
related topics: Edo shogunate , Commodore Perry , Sakoku , Shimoda treaty
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explanation: Russian admiral, born in 1803. After Americans had sent Perry to Japan to get access harbors, Putiatin arrived in Nagasaki in August 1853, accompanied by a writer, Goncharov. After a refusal of Edo shogunate to open harbors, he left Japan, then returned back in 1854 to Shimoda where Americans settled the first consulate. After a difficult negotiation with Kawaji Toshiakira, because his ship was wrecked by an earthquake, Shimoda treaty was concluded in February 1855. He died in 1883.

Russo-Japanese war

alternative words: Russo Japanese war, Russia Japan war, Nichiro senso, Nichirosenso, Nichiro sensou, Nichirosensou, Nichiro war
keywords: russia , war
related topics: Meiji period , Admiral Togo , Battle of Tsushima , General Nogi , Portsmouth treaty , Yamagata Aritomo , Oyama Iwao , Kodama Gentaro
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explanation: War between Russia and Japan provoked by a dispute on Korea and Manchuria interests. It began in February 1904 by a Japanese surprise attack on Port Arthur. Though numerically superior, before highly motivated Japanese troops, Russia lost Port Arthur in January 1905 and the naval battle of Tsushima in May 1905. The war ended by the signature in September 1905 of Portsmouth treaty: Russia returned back south Sakhalin and ceded south Manchuria interests to Japan.

Sakhalin island

樺太 唐太 サハリン 北蝦夷
alternative words: Sakhalin, Saghalian, Sagalian, Karafuto, Karafuto island
keywords: locality , northern territory , russia
related topics: Matsumae domain , Kushunkotan , Shimoda treaty , Saint Petersburg treaty , Portsmouth treaty
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explanation: Sakhalin is a very long (1000 km) but narrow (200 km in its largest extent) island located between Japan and Russian maritime territory. It is separated from the continent by a narrow strait of 6 km width and for that reason, first, westerners thought it should be a peninsula. During Edo period, Matsumae exploited the southern part of Sakhalin with Kushunkotan as its center. The 3 successive treaties, i.e. Shimoda (1855), Saint Petersburg (1875), Portsmouth (1905) changed the ownerships of Sakhalin.

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