Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: statesman

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Iwakura Tomomi

alternative words: Tomomi Iwakura
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Bakumatsu , Meiji revolution , Edo shogunate , Emperor Komei
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explanation: Born in 1825 in a low ranked noble family then adopted by higher raked Iwakura family to become a chamberlain of Emperor Komei. Initially anti-westerner and for a corporation of imperial and Tokugawa families (Kobugattairon), he shifted gradually his opinion to the suppression of Edo shogunate. After a fall of the latter, he strove for the creation of a centralized western style regime around the emperor. He opposed to a punitive expedition to Korea. He died in 1883.

Katsu Kaishu

alternative words: Kaishu Katsu, Katsu Rintaro, Rintaro Katsu
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , statesman
related topics: Rangaku , Meiji Revolution , Edo shogunate , Bugyo , Hatamoto
explanation: Born in 1823 at Tokyo in a Hatamoto family. He had become familiar with the western technology by learning Dutch language. For that reason he went by ship to USA as captain of Rinkanmaru to ratify Harris treaty. He was nominated then to "Gunkan bugyo" ( a kind of naval minister) to form Japanese to the western military technology. In 1868, he negotiated a surrender of Tokugawa regime with Saigo Takamori to let his army take over Tokyo without fighting. He died in 1899.

Kido Takayoshi

木戸孝允 桂小五郎
alternative words: Takayoshi Kido, Kido Koin, Koin Kido, Katsura Kogoro, Kogoro Katsura
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Edo shogunate , Itagaki Taisuke , Okubo Toshimichi , Choshu domain , Yoshida Shoin
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explanation: Born in 1833 as a samurai of Chushu domain and soon adopted by Katsura family. He frequented first the school of Yoshida Shoin then learned the western military technique in Tokyo. Since 1862, he had been in charge of Choshu domain's policy and strove for the suppression of Edo shogunate by allying with Satsuma domain. He participated then to the new Meiji government: his policy was between autocratic Okubo Toshimichi and democratic Itagaki Taisuke. He died in 1877.

Matsuura Takeshiro

alternative words: Takeshiro Matsuura, Matsuura Takeshirou, Takeshirou Matsuura
keywords: explorer , famous person , northern territory , statesman
related topics: Edo period , Meiji period , Ezochi
explanation: Explorer of the late Edo period and the beginning of Meiji period. Born in 1818 in Mie prefecture. First he became an itinerant Buddhist monk to travel all over Japan. He was then engaged by Edo shogunate to explore all the regions of Ezochi and gave the name of Hokkaido to it. In 1868, he was nominated to an administrator of Hokkaido by the newly created Meiji government but quickly quit the post. He spent the remaining of his life with travel and writing. He died in 1888.

Mizuno Tadakuni

alternative words: Tadakuni Mizuno
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Roju , Edo shogunate , Daimyo , Hatamoto , Tenpo reform
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explanation: Born in 1794 as a son of daimyo of northern Kyushu. An ambitious young man, he was first appointed Sojaban (responsible of shogun's protocol) in 1814 then climbed all the rungs of Edo shogunate to become finally roju in 1834. In order to suppress the budget deficit, he launched Tenpo reform with 12th shugun Tokugawa Ieyoshi. He tried to concentrate shogun's land around Edo (Agechirei) but it provoked a strong opposition among hatamoto and daimyo and forced him to resign roju. He died in 1851.

Mutsu Munemitsu

alternative words: Munemitsu Mutsu
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Sino-Japanese war , Shimonoseki treaty , Meiji revolution , Han , Sakamoto Ryoma , Seinan war , Ito Hirobumi
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explanation: Born in 1844 in a samurai family of Ki domain. He left his han very young and enrolled into Kaientai of Sakamoto Ryoma to overthrow Edo shogunate. After Meiji revolution, he carried out a tax reform as high ranking official but was jailed for a participation to Seinan war. After an amnesty, he entered foreign ministry and became foreign minister of Ito Hirobumi in 1892. He succeeded to modify an unequal custom treaty with Great Britain in 1894 and led the diplomacy of Sino-Japanese war. He died in 1897.

Nakatomi no Kamatari

中臣鎌足 藤原鎌足
alternative words: Nakatomino Kamatari, Fujiwara no Kamatari, Fujiwarano Kamatari, Kamatari
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Asuka period , Taika reform , Emperor Tenchi , Soga no Iruka , Fujiwara no Fuhito , Fujiwara family
explanation: Born in 614 in a shinto priest family. Furious with the arrogance of Soga clan, he approached Prince Nakano ooe (later Emperor Tenchi) and plotted a coup d'�tat against them. After the elimination of Soga clan in 645, he became the prime minister (Nai Daijin) and strove for the success of Taika reform with Prince Nakano ooe. Juste before his death in 669, Emperor Tench offered him the name of "Fujiwara" who would become later the most influential nobility in Japan.

Ninomiya Kinjiro

二宮金次郎 二宮尊徳
alternative words: Ninomiya Sontoku, Kinjiro Ninomiya, Sontoku Ninomiya
keywords: famous person , scholar , statesman
related topics: Daimyo , Edo period
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explanation: Born in 1787 in a poor peasant family of the western Kanagawa and lost both parents in childhood. But young Kinjiro succeeded to become a great land owner by hardworking abandoned fields. Due to the development of a money based economy, many daimyo of Kanto region had been over indebted so they asked an aid of Kinjiro to restore desolated villages. As a symbol of hardworking, many Japanese schools had a statue of young Kinjiro, reading a book while transporting firewood.

Okubo Toshimichi

alternative words: Toshimichi Okubo, Ookubo Toshimichi, Toshimichi Ookubo
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Meiji period , Satsuma domain , Choshu domain , Saigo Takamori , Kido Takayoshi
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explanation: Born in 1830 in a samurai family of Satsuma domain. First, with Saigo Takamori, he strove for the political reform of Statsuma domain. Understood a need of the suppression of Edo shogunate, he promoted an alliance with Choshu domain for this goal, by becoming a friend with Kido Takayoshi. After the disappearance of Edo shogunate, he strove to make Japan a powerful centralized country by suppressing the feudal system. He was assassinated in 1878 by an unhappy samurai.

Okuma Shigenobu

alternative words: Shigenobu Okuma
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Hagakure , Edo shogunate , Choshu domain , Saga domain , Ito Hirobumi , Itagaki Taisuke
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explanation: Born in 1838 in a samurai family of Saga prefecture. Unhappy with Hagakure culture of his region, he had learnt Dutch and helped Choshu domain against Edo shogunate. First he participated to Meiji government but left it in 1881after a dispute with Ito Hirobumi and Yamagata Aritomo on the privatization. He founded Waseda university in 1882 and strobe with Itagaki Taisuke for the democracy. He provoked an international indignation with 21 demands to China in 1915. He died in 1922.

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