Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: character

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alternative words: Nyaasu
keywords: character , pokemon
related topics: Pokemon , Team rocket
explanation: One of pocket monsters and looks like a cat. He attacks by using his claws. He loves to collect something circular like coins and sleeps in the daytime. His name come from a cat's cry. He is leader of the team rocket and carries the pokemon number 52.


alternative words: Minako Aino, Aino Minako
keywords: character , sailormoon
related topics: Sailormoon
explanation: Alias Sailor Venus, blond hairs. She wishes to be an idol. Before joining to the sailor group, she had been already famous in the video game world with the name of Sailor V. By the way, she is a reincarnation of Princess Serenity. She gets her power from Venus.

Misato Katsuragi

alternative words: Misato, Katsuragi Misato
keywords: character , evangelion
related topics: Evangelion
explanation: Young woman of 29 years old and officer of Nerv. It is she who went to recruit Shinji and for that reason she has become quickly his confidant. Later she will be promoted from captain to major.


alternative words: Kasumi
keywords: character , pokemon
related topics: Pokemon , Ash
explanation: Girl friend of Ash in the story of Pokemon. She goes to travel with him. She is enable to tame Hitodeman and Kodakku. She tames water pokemons such as Stari (Hitodeman) et Psykokwak (Kodakku).


のび太 野比のび太
alternative words: Nobi Nobita
keywords: character , doraemon
related topics: Doraemon
related web sites:
explanation: Boy in the 4th class of a primary school and in who's house Doraemon is living. Being useless at studies and physically weak, he is continuously bothered in school. For that reason, his grand grandson has sent from future (2112) a robot, called Doraemon, to protect him. His name "Nobita" comes from a Japanese pun, because it means "exhausted or beaten man".

Norimaki Senbei

alternative words: Senbei Norimaki.
keywords: character , dr. slump
related topics: Dr. Slump
explanation: Mad scientific in a manga comedy "Dr. Slump". He has invented a girl robot, Arale, in order to escape from a loneliness; he believes himself as the most handsome of the world.


alternative words: Dr. Okido, Okido Hakase
keywords: character , pokemon
related topics: Pokemon , Ash
explanation: Specialist of Pokemon and instructor of Ash (Satoshi). It is him who offered "Pikachu" Pokemon to Ash whe he reached 10 years old.


keywords: character , nausicaa
related topics: Nausicaa of the valley of wind
explanation: One of biotechnological giants in manga/anime of Nausicaa. He will help Princess Nausicaa in her quest to save the world by destroying th tomb of Shuwa. The giants have been created in order to destroy the old world but curiously this one considers Nausicaa as his mother.


alternative words: Oscar Fran�ois de Jarjayes
keywords: anime , character , manga
related topics: Lady Oscar
explanation: Main character of a manga "Lady Oscar". Since the noble family of de Jarjayes has only daughters, she has been brought up as a boy with the aim of choosing her as the successor. She is also a friend of Andy who is a grandson of wet nurse. Later, she becomes a head of royal guard of Marie Antoinette at Versailles Castle.


alternative words: Penpen
keywords: character , evangelion
related topics: Evangelion , Misato Katsuragi
explanation: Living being stemming from biological synthesis. Considered as a failure, he has been nearly being destroyed but saved by Misato at the last moment. He is living now in her fridge. The word "Penpen" is stemming from the onomatopoeia of penguin.

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