Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: character

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Phantom Inuyasha

keywords: character
related topics: Inuyasha , Kagome Higurashi
explanation: Hero of the manga, Inuyasha. He was born of phantom father and human mother. Once he had been sealed by a shaman, Kikyo but liberated by Kagome who has arrived from the present. He is striving to collect the fragments of Shikon no Tama (4 sprit ball) together with Kagome to become a true human.


alternative words: Piccolo Daimao, Piccolo
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: One of redoubtable enemies of Son Goku in Dragon Ball with an awful face. It is virtually invincible and enable to create own soldiers by laying eggs. Later he will associate with Son Goku to fight against extraterrestrial invaders.


keywords: character , pokemon
related topics: Pokemon , Ash
explanation: He is a star of Pokemon game among 151 of "poket monsters" because he is the most cute. The name of "Pokemon" comes from a combination of 2 onomatopoeias: "pika" for the sound of a lightning and "chu" for a cry of the mouse. His pokemon number is 25 and he has been offered by professor Oak to Ash.


keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Boss of a small group of gangsters who fight against Son Goku with robots at the early episode of "Dragon Ball". He looks for dragon balls to become taller.

Princess Nausicaa

alternative words: Nausicaa
keywords: character , nausicaa
related topics: Nausicaa of the valley of wind
explanation: 16 years old, princess Nausicaa is the principal heroine of manga/anime which bears her name. By succeeding to her father, Jhil, she becomes the leader of the tribe of the valley of wind. After having saved several persons, she goes to, with Ohma, to close forever the evil tomb of Shuwa which keeps the world secret. By the way, the word nausicaa stems from the name of a princess in Greek mythology.


keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Son Goku
explanation: Brother of Son Goku in Dragon Ball. He has been killed by Piccolo but brought back to life.

Ranma Saotome

alternative words: Saotome Ranma
keywords: character , ranma 1/2
related topics: Ranma 1/2 , Akane Tendo
explanation: Principal hero of Ranma 1/2. Born in a karateka family, this boy of 16 years old has gone to China in order to improve his karate technique and there he has suffered an unbelievable curse: he turns into a girl when he sprays himself with waters and into a boy with hot waters. After returned to home, his father has arranged a marriage with Akane, one of daughters of his old friend.

Raye Hino

alternative words: Rei Hino, Hino Rei
keywords: character , sailormoon
related topics: Sailormoon , Temple Hikawa
explanation: Alias Sailor Mars with black hairs. She wishes to become the main priestess of Hikawa temple. She gets her power from Planet Jupiter.

Rei Ayanami

alternative words: Rei, Ayanami Rei
keywords: character , evangelion
related topics: Evangelion , Shinji Ikari
explanation: Girl of 14 years old and the first pilot of Evangelion robot. Speaking little, her presence in this story is mysterious. Later it will be uncovered that she is in reality a clone of Shinj's mother.

Reiin Iwakura

alternative words: Iwakura Reiin
keywords: anime , character , lain
related topics: Serial Experiments Lain
explanation: Principal character in Japanese cartoon, "Serial Experiments Lain". Rather shy high school girl in the real life, she becomes aggressive in a virtual world when connecting to "Wired". Please note that for Japanese, there exists few difference in pronunciation of her first name "Rein" and her identification of connection "lain".

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