Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: character

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alternative words: Chibiusa
keywords: character , sailormoon
related topics: Sailormoon
explanation: Child born between Serena Tsukino aka sailormoon and Darien aka Tuxido Mask. She has come from the future to protect her mother. She has pink hairs.

Ritsuko Akagi

alternative words: Ristuko, Akagi Ritsuko
keywords: character , evangelion
related topics: Evangelion
explanation: Girl of 30 years old and operational responsible of Evangelion project.

Ryoga Hibiki

alternative words: Hibiki Ryoga
keywords: character , ranma 1/2
related topics: Ranma 1/2 , Ranma Saotome
explanation: Rival of Ranma in Ranma 1/2. Disputing always against him in their high schools, he followed Ranma until China and where he has suffered a curse: he turns into a black pig when he sprays himself with hot waters. He has no sense of orientation.

Sachi Yomoda

alternative words: Yomoda Sachi
keywords: anime , character , lain
related topics: Serial Experiments Lain
explanation: Friend of Rein Iwakura alias lain who is the main character in "Serial Experiments Lain". After Sachi has killed herself by jumping from a building, the horror begins because some continue to receive e-mails from her.

Sakura Kinomoto

alternative words: Kinomoto Sakura, Sakura
keywords: card captor sakura , character
related topics: Card captor Sakura
explanation: Main character of manga/anime, "Card captor Sakura". She is a pupil in the 4th year of Tomoeda elementary school. She is athletic and loves sweet cakes. After she has overturned the book which contains the magical cards of Clow, the tale begins.

Serena Tsukino

alternative words: Usagi Tsukino, Tsukino Usagi
keywords: character , sailormoon
related topics: Sailormoon
explanation: Main heroine of Sailormoon. High school girl of 14 years old and blond hairs, her weak point is to be crybaby. Her name comes from a pun: "Tsukino Usagi" means in Japanese "rabbits on the moon" because old Japanese believed that a shade on its surface should be due to its images. She is the leader of the group.

Seto Kaiba

alternative words: Kaiba Seto
keywords: character , manga , yugioh
related topics: Yugioh
explanation: son of the president of a game company, Kaiba Corporation, in Yugioh. Since he has been beaten by Yugi Muto in a game, Kaiba has become a sworn enemy.


keywords: character , ranma 1/2
related topics: Ranma 1/2 , Ranma Saotome
explanation: Daughter of a Chinese bandit. After having lost a match against Ranma, she followed him up to Japan in order to kill him, in accordance with the law of her region. She turns into a cat when she sprays herself with waters.

Shinji Ikari

alternative words: Shinji, Ikari Shinji
keywords: character , evangelion
related topics: Evangelion , Gendo Ikari
explanation: Boy of 14 yeans old and one of 3 pilots of Evangelion robot. He is the main character of this anime series. His father, Gendo Ikari, is the president of Nerv, an organization responsible for fighting against the invaders and with whom Shinji is in a bad relation.


しずか 源静香
alternative words: Minamoto Shizuka, Shizuka Minamoto
keywords: character , doraemon
related topics: Doraemon
explanation: Classmate of Nobita in Doraemon. Nobita loves her because she is cute, intelligent and kind.

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