Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: character

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keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Old lady sitting on a big crystal ball in Dragon Ball. She owns a supernatural clairvoyance. By the way, she is a young sister of Turtle Master.


alternative words: Vegiita
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Freezer
explanation: One of the worst enemy of Son Goku. He came to the Earth with 2 others (Raditsu and Nappa) in order to annihilate the human beings. Piccolo, Tenshinhan, Yamcha as well as Chaozu have been killed by him. Later, he works together with Son Goku and his friends to kill his old master, Freezer.


keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Friend of Son Goku in Dragon Ball. Fat and greedy, he wears a costume of samurai. As a matter of fact, Yojirobe is an equilibrium dole in Japanese.


keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Bulma
explanation: Friend of Son Goku and fianc� of Bulma in Dragon Ball. In fact, Yamcha means "refreshments" in Chinese.


keywords: character , maison ikkoku
related topics: Maison Ikkoku
explanation: Mysterious character in "Maison Ikkoku"; Man knows neither his age nor his job. His preferred hobby is piping what others are doing. Yotsu in Yotsuya means 4 in Japanese because he occupies the room 4.

Yugi Muto

alternative words: Muto Yugi, Yuugi Mutou, Mutou Yuugi
keywords: character , manga , yugioh
related topics: Yugioh
explanation: Main character of a Japanese manga, Yugioh. He is a rather shy high school boy and brings video games in his school bag. One day, he has succeeded to resolve a puzzle which had remain insoluble during 1000 years; This caused to liberate a huge power buried in the puzzle. He loves his classmate, Anzu Mazaki.

Yukito Tsukishiro

alternative words: Tsukishiro Yukito
keywords: card captor sakura , character
related topics: Card Captor Sakura , Sakura Kinomoto
explanation: A hight school student and reincarnation of Yue, the last judge of clow cards, but he isn't aware of it. He doesn't belong to any sport clubs but frequently takes part from outside. He eats lots and Sakura is in love with him.

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