Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: machine

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Virtual Boy

keywords: machine , model , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo
explanation: Video game machine released by Nintendo in July 1995. It is virtual glasses allowing to see pictures in relief thanks to small screens in liquid crystal set just before each eye. In spite of its appearance, it is a powerful system because it owns a 32 bits cpu and a graphic chip. The sales of machine was disappointing because of its complex programming.

Wonder Swan

alternative words: Wonderswan
keywords: bandai , machine , model
related topics: Bandai
related web sites: ,
explanation: Portable console machine released by Bandai in 1999. Its particularity is usable horizontally as well as vertically in order to maximize the useful screen surface whatever types of games. In order to avoid the error of "Game Gear", its dimension and the electricity consumption are kept at the minimum level. The screen is monochrome and the cpu is 16 bits.

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