Online dictionary of politics and media in Japan: political party

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自民党 自由民主党
alternative words: Jimin to, Jimintou, Jimin tou, Jiyu minshu to, Jiyuminshuto, Liberal democratic party, LDP
keywords: political party
related topics: Yoshida Shigeru , Hatoyama Ichiro , Sato Eisaku , Tanaka Kakuei , Nakasone Yasuhiro
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explanation: After a merger of left and right socialist parties in October 1955, 2 conservative parties, Jiyuto and Nihon Minshuto merged, too in November and formed Jiminto (Liberal democratic party) with Hatoyama Ichiro as the first president. With a strong support of business circle and farmers, it played a major role in post war's Japanese economic revival, especially in Sato Eisaku's reign of 1964-72. Excepting for a short period between 1993-94, Jiminto has continuously stayed in power.


alternative words: Komei to, Koumeito, Koukei to, New Komeito
keywords: political party
related topics: Sokagakkai , Ikeda Daisaku , Jiminto
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explanation: Since 1955, Sokagakkai has sent its members in local parliaments. It decided to participate to the national election by forming Komeito in 1964, and won 25 diet's seats in 1967. In 1970, after a scandal over the publication of an anti Sokagakkai book, it declared independent from Sokagakkai. After participated to a coalition government in 1993, it was absorbed by Shinshinto in 1994 but became again independent in 1997. Since 1999, it forms a coalition government with Jiminto.


alternative words: Minshutou, Minshu to, Minshu tou, Democratic party, Democratic party Japan
keywords: political party
related topics: Jiminto , Hatoyama Yukio , Kan Naoto
related web sites: ,
explanation: Political party formed in 1996 from dissidents of Jiminto and socialists in order to establish 2 party regime like USA and UK. It absorbed dissidents of Shinshinto in 1998 to become new Minshuto (party of 1996 is called now old Minshuto). The first president was Kan Naoto, and the 2d and actual president, Hatoyama Yukio. Due to its background i.e., a mixture of conservatives and socialists, there exists a strong divergence on the defense and foreign policy to follow among its members.


社民党 社会民主党 社会党 日本社会党
alternative words: Shamin to, Shakaiminshuto, Shakaito, Shakai to, Democratic socialist party, Socialist party, Japanese socialist party
keywords: political party
related topics: Jiminto , Doi Takako , Minshuto
related web sites:
explanation: Founded in 1945, Shakaito became the first party of Japanese parliament in 1947 election but soon split to right and left fractions due to an internal conflict. In 1955, they merged again to form the main opposition against Jiminto. In 1996, Shakaito (socialist party) changed the name to "Shaminto" (democratic socialist part) and participated to different coalition governments. In 1998, many parliament members left Shaminto and entered Minshuto (democratic party).

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