Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Saumur

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French words: Saumur
keywords: human heritage , loire region , tourist resort , town , wine
related topics: Angers
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explanation: Abbey of Saint Florent old near Angers being devastated by Vikings in 9th century, the count of Blois founded a new abbey of Saint Florent and the town of Saumur nearby in 956. Saumur was taken by count of Angers, Foulque III in 1026. It was taken in turn by French king, Philippe Auguste in 1203. During 16-17th century, Saumur reached the apogee as a home of French Protestantism, Huguenots. Located between Angers and Tours on the bank of Loire river, Saumur is renowned for its wine. The population is 30000.

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