Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Tuileries Palace

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Tuileries palace

French words: Palais de Tuileries , Jardin des Tuileries
alternative words: Tuileries garden, Tuileries
keywords: castle , paris , park , tourist resort
related topics: Louvre museum
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Unhappy with Louvre palace, French queen, Catherine of Medici asked in 1564 to build her residence nearby with a large garden. It would be called "Tuileries palace" and became a favourite palace for French kings. During French revolution in 1789, Louis XVI was under house arrest there before being beheaded at Place Concorde. During Paris commune uprising in 1871, Tuileries palace was burned out and only Flore and Marsan pavilions, junction with Louvre palace, and Tuileries garden have subsisted until today.

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