Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Hanno city

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Hanno city

alternative words: Hannoshi city, Hannoshi, Hanno-shi, Hanno shi, Hanno, Hannou, Hannou city
keywords: tourist resort , town
related topics: Saitama prefecture , Ikebukuro , Seibu railway
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explanation: Located in the south of Saitama prefecture and less than 1 hour of train trip from Ikebukuro station, Hanno owns many popular hiking spots such as Mt Tenran, Shomaru pass, Naguri valley etc. The total population is 86,000 and the main industries are sawing and textile. Hanno owns also old culture vestiges. In 716, the central government created there "Koma" county by let settling 1799 Koreans from Koguryo kingdom: Koma is the Japanese name of Koguryu.

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