Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Inland sea

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Inland sea

alternative words: Setonaikai sea, Setonaikai, Seto-naikai, Seto naikai
keywords: sea , shikoku
related topics: Honshu island , Shikoku island , Kyushu island , Akashi strait , Itsukushima shrine
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explanation: Surrounded totally by 3 Japanese major islands, Honshu in north and east, Shikoku in south and Kyushu in west, it makes Japan appear bigger than reality. Its east-west length is about 440 km and the south-north width is 5 to 55 km. Setonaikai means "inside straits" because it communicates with outer sea through narrow straits such as Kanmon-kaikyo and Akaishi-kaikyo. Owing many small islands, a part of area belongs to "Setonaikai national park" such as Itsukushima shrine.

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