Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kiyomizudera

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Kiyomizudera temple

alternative words: Kiyomizu temple, Kiyomizudera, Kiyomizu dera, Seisuiji, Seisui ji
keywords: kyoto , temple , world heritage
related topics: Kyoto city , Yasaka shrine
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explanation: Buddhist temple located in the east of Kyoto city near Yasaka shrine. Though its origin is quite old (according to a temple's document, it would be built by a famous Japanese general, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro in 798), because of repeated natural disasters and wars of sect struggles, the actual building dates only 17the century. Kiyomizudera is rather renown by its strange architecture: being built on an abrupt hill side, it owns a balustrade supported by several long columns.

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