Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kuonji Temple

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Kuonji Temple

久遠寺 身延山久遠寺 身延山
alternative words: Kuon-ji Temple, Minobusan Kuonji, Minobu-san Kuon-ji, Kuonji, Kuon-ji, Kuon ji, Minobusan, Minobu-san, Minobu san
keywords: temple
related topics: Yamanashi Prefecture , Taisekiji Temple
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in Yamanashi Prefecture in face to Mt. Fuji, this temple was owned by the famous Japanese priest, Nichiren which founded an important Buddhist School (Nichirenshu). After power struggles of his successors, it has been split to several sects. Now the most powerful one is Nichiren Shoshu of which head temple is Taisekiji in Shizuoka Prefecture.

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