Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Ogasawara islands

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Ogasawara Islands

小笠原諸島 小笠原列島
alternative words: Bonin Island, Ogasawara Island, Bonin Islands, Ogasawarashoto, Ogasawara shoto, Ogasawararetto, Ogasawara retto
keywords: island , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Iwo Island
related web sites: ,
explanation: A group of tiny islands located 1200 km south from Tokyo in the Pacific Ocean. According to a legend, Ogasawara Sadayori should have discovered in 1593 this island. From the 19th century, Americans, seeking whales in the Pacific, began to settle there. After dealings between Japan, USA and Great Britain on the control of the island, it was Japan who took its control. After WWII, it had been occupied by Americans but returned back to Japan in 1968 with Iwo island.

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