Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Shibuya

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渋谷 渋谷区
alternative words: Shibuyaku, Shibuya-ku, Shibuya ku, Shibuya ward, Shibuya district
keywords: district , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Meiji Shrine , Ikebukuro , Shinjuku , Tokyu corporation , Harajuku
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explanation: It a narrow sense, it designates an entertainment and shopping area developed around Shibuya station. The latter is served not only by JR Yamanote line but also Tokyu and Keio railroad companies. In a broader sense, it means "Shibuya Ward" and includes also a residence area around Meiji shrine. Initially a quiet village, it has become, with Shinjuku and Ikebukuro, one of the 3 most important shopping areas in the west of Tokyo thanks to its railroad facilities.

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