Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Shiga highland

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Shiga Highland

alternative words: Shigakogen, Shiga-kogen, Shiga kogen, Shigakougen, Shiga-kougen, Shiga kougen
keywords: hot spring , mountain , nagano , olympic games , ski resort , tourist resort
related topics: Nagano prefecture , Gunma prefecture , Kusatsu spa
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Shiga Highland is situated in the northeastern region of Nagano Prefecture and forms a part of Joshinetsu National Park. It is an uneven plateau of 1400m to 1700m high, originated from a lava stream coming from Mt. Shiga. Surrounded by mountains of about 2000m high, it offers a changing topography with many ponds, lakes and swampy plans rich in Alpine flowers. Not only there are many hot springs but it is one of the most oldest and biggest skiing resorts in Japan.

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