Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Zenkoji Temple

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Zenkoji Temple

alternative words: Zenko-ji Temple, Zenkoji, Zenko-ji, Zenko ji, Zenkouji Temple, Zenkou-ji Temple, Zenkouji, Zenkou-ji, Zenkou ji
keywords: nagano , temple
related topics: Nagano City
related web sites: ,
explanation: One of the oldest and the most prestigious Buddhist temples in Japan. During the reign of Emperor Kinme in 538, Korea offered to Japan a statue of Buddha, also called Amida-nyorai. Afterwards, when a dispute between anti and pro Buddhism clans broke out, it was thrown away in a river of Osaka. According to a legend, when an inhabitant of Nagano, Honda Yoshimitsu, passed near by, he would have been stopped by an appeal of the statue which incited him to bring it to his home at Nagano in 602.

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