Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: 5 Japanese kings

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5 Japanese kings

alternative words: Five Japanese kings, Wa no goou, Wa no goo, Wanogoou, Wanogoo
keywords: china , emperor , famous person
related topics: Himiko , Yamato dynasty , Kofun period , Wa , Emperor Yuryaku
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explanation: After Himiko and her successor Toyo sent mission to China in 3th century, Japan entered a civil war period so the diplomatic relation stopped. After an establishment of Yamato dynasty in 5th, 5 Japanese emperors, so called "5 Japanese kings", sent mission to China in order to get a recognition of their dynasty. The difference of genealogy between existing Chinese and Japanese documents has provoked a controversy: only Emperor Yuryaku (Bu in Chinese) is unanimously recognized.

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