Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

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Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

足利義満 義満
alternative words: Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, Yoshimitsu
keywords: famous person , shogun
related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Muromachi period , Shogun , Nanbokucho period
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explanation: 3rd shogun of Muromachi shogunate. Born in 1358 as the eldest son of Ashikaga Yoshiakira, the 2nd shogun. Yoshimitsu unified successfully 2 imperial families (Nancho and Hokucho) which had divided the country, began the official trade with China, and built "Hanano gosho" as the office of Muromachi shogunate and Kinkakuji temple as his villa. During his reign, Muromachi shogunate reached its apogee. He died in 1358.

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