Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Bishamonten

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毘沙門天 多聞天 毘沙門
alternative words: Bishamon ten, Bishamon god, Bishamon, Tamonten
keywords: buddhism , god
related topics: 7 fortune gods , Uesugi Kenshin
explanation: One of 4 Buddhism guardians, Shitenno (4 celestial princes) which protect 4 cardinal points. Bishamonten (Vai�ravana in Sanskrit) is responsible of the northern direction and his statue is represented by a fiery figure with a halberd at right hand and a miniature pagoda at left hand. Listening well the teach of Buddha, he is also called Tamonten. In Japan, as a member of 7 fortune gods, Bishamonten was especially venerated by samurai warriors: Uesugi Kenshin used his symbol on the flag.

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